Chapter 35

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Cass woke up to a furious alarm and Fatima flashing on her phone. "What is it?" she asked, sitting up and wearing her glasses. "Its very early."

"Oh my God, Cass. Oh my God," Fatima gushed. "I can't believe my eyes."

"What are you talking about? Did you win the lottery?"

"Why didn't you tell me? Were you too busy being famous?"

Cass got of her bed and padded into the bathroom. Her shoulder was raw from the hot bath she'd had the previous night. She placed her phone on the edge of the sink and washed her face. The water gurgled loudly in the quiet morning. "Famous? I don't understand a word you are saying."

"Cass, you are all over NaijaVine."

"What?" Cass frowned. A wet face stared at her in the mirror. "NaijaVine? What have I done?"

"You and Victor, going all smoochy-smoochy in front of The Lotus."

Cass skipped out of the bathroom and booted her computer. The first video trending on the NaijaVine page was her kiss with Victor, right when he had opened the door for her. Her heart sped up and with a shaky hand, she snapped the laptop shut.

"Fatima," she said. I'll call you back." She hung up and sank to the floor, burying her head in her hands.

This isn't happening. Not now. Not after last night.

She knew the day would come when their relationship would eventually get public. She was surprised she had stayed out of the light this long. But it was still a shock.

Everything was going to change.


Cass barged into the kitchen, feeling terrible. Her nose was still blocked even after a hot bath. She considered staying at home, but decided carrying over a course because of a common cold wasn't worth it.

"Morning, mum." She groaned, her voice sounded like it was coming out of a pinched balloon.

Her mother turned from what she was frying. "Good," she said. "Come and have a good breakfast."

"I'll just have coffee."

"Look how red your nose is, sweetie. Eat something solid and take some hot ginger tea. Coffee isn't going to help."

Cass drew a chair and sat. She rubbed her eyes and tried not to think about Victor. "Where is Hanna?"

"Zara has taken her to school," said her mother. She scooped some fried eggs onto a plate and placed it before Cass. The toaster pinged and she placed some toast before her. "Eat up, sweetie."

Cass eyed her mother suspiciously. She only used "sweetie" when they were about to have some serious talk. Like the time she had sat her down and informed her she was practically a woman, after her first period.

She took a bite of the food and groaned. "My tongue has no taste," she said.

Her mother stood up and went out of the kitchen, moments later, she reappeared, holding her tablet and a small bottle of pills. "Take two when you are through. You'll feel better, sweetie."

"Is there, um, something I should know?"

She ran a finger through the tablet's screen and slided it across the table to her. "We need to talk," she said.

Cass froze as she stared at the screen. She picked it up and began to scroll, her finger leaving oily trails. Her picture looked back at her. Her hands were interlaced with Victor's. She couldn't remember what they had been doing then. In the picture, she was smiling up at Victor, while he stared straight ahead, looking every bit the celebrity. It was unnerving to see herself so unguarded.

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