[Commentary] Library Fantasies

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[Hi, there! DG here, or better known as, awkward_tumbleweed. So...WELCOME! This is the commentary version of Library Fantasies, and...*chuckles nervously* boy do we have a lot to go through...

I do not remember making this chapter three thousand words long, but apparently I did lol.

Anyways, shall we dive in?

Are you ready to find out what was going on in my sixteen year old head when I first wrote this? You and me both. God, I was a hot mess.


OK...here we go...

I'm so nervous >0<]

Chapter Two:

Library Fantasies

"It's so amazing when someone comes to your life and you expect nothing out of it but suddenly, there in front of you is everything you ever needed."

[By the way, I got these ^^ off Pinterest. Like...all of them. Except the one chapter from Ryder's POV. But yeah, just thought I'd point out my ability to be unoriginal.]

Maya Granger

To: Ashy Washy

[I can't be the only one who gives my friends wacky contact names right?]

Your bad boy buddy got me suspended, and has kidnapped me!

[I can't stop laughing my cringe. Why is she so dramatic? Whyyyyyy?? Tell me why~ Unspokenafterthought hit it!

I mean, I guess it's kind of understandable but still...euuugh 😂]


From: Ashy Washy

Lol! Humor him! He really seems to like you.

I scoffed at my best friend's lack of concern for my well being before stuffing my phone back into my bag, not bothering to reply. I looked out the open window of Ryder's truck, my arms crossed over my chest as I watched the houses, buildings, and vehicles we passed by.

[The dramatics continue. Jeez luiz, what the heck was going through my head?? Also, I'd like to point out that at this point, I had no idea what other characters I will be introducing which is why Ashton currently holds the title of Best Friend. Lol. I mean, I know you can most definitely have more than one, but the fact that I made it seem as if he's the only one is because I was a clueless child...]

"Let's play Twenty Questions!" Ryder suddenly suggested.

[Aahhh...peak Wattpad vibes right here. When I began writting this, I had just come off a teen fiction binge, so you can see the influences if you look for them.]

"Why?" I turned to him, raising a brow.

[Random useless fact: It took me forever to be able to raise a brow without looking like I was trying to do some facial acrobatics!]

"So that we could get to know one another, and you can fall in love with me." He shrugged nonchalantly.

[This is one thing I don't regret about Ryder. Like, it might be cringey to others, and I understand that, but I like it personally when guys know what they want and aren't shy about voicing it. Also, I was so sick and tired of the typical "Bad Boy" being so damn emotionally constipated lol Sixteen-year old me was like, "Just have him confess and get it done with!"]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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