Spin-Off Special #6

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"Home is wherever my bunch of crazies are."


"Your purse, your keys, and your phone," Ryder said as he handed the mentioned items to his wife.

"Thank you," Maya replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek, before she turned to her kids standing in a line next to their father looking like they would fall asleep. It was only eight in the morning on a Saturday, meaning they stayed up late watching movies the night before. Hence, the groggy state the two seven year olds, and one two year old were in.

Maya wasn't suppose to be going to work as it was her day off, and she had planned a picknick with her family, but a sudden call from her P.A. in the middle of Inside Out changed their Saturday plans. When she told the kids about it, they decided to see her off to work even if it meant getting less than their usual hours of sleep.

It warmed her chest with motherly pride.

"Are you going to be good kids for daddy?" She asked, combing back the hair from Michael's eyes. In sync they nodded as Tanya yawned. Chuckling, she gathered them into her arms for a group hug. As they parted, Ryder scooped their youngest into his arm, and held Gabriel's hand while Gabriel held his twin's.

"See ya later, hon," Ryder said, kissing her forhead. Tanya had already fallen back to sleep, her head resting in the crook of his neck.

"Later," Maya smile, before making her way down the porch to her car.

* * *

Maya was beat. The sudden call was from an uprising fashion designer who was quickly climbing up the ladder. Apparently he had seen some of Maya's works during an exhibit the past month and was going to contact her sooner but got busy and totally forgot. Because he had so much, the photoshoot happened with little to no breaks, and even then they ended up working late into the night.

A warm, relaxing bath was the only thing on her mind as she unlocked the front door of her house. However, as soon as she stepped in, all thoughts of unwinding flew out of her mind at the sight that greeted her. The hallway was littered with toys ranging from cars to dolls and legos!

Her eyes narrowed in on the little plastic toys that she knew was the devil's spawns. There was no other way to describe them. The sound of laughter and exaggerated missile, and machine gun noises drifted from the livingroom, prompting Maya to slowly maneuvered her way around toys and towards the familiar voices.

If she thought the hallway was messy, then World War III must've happened in her livingroom.

All the seats have been stripped of their cushions that now scattered the floor along with the throw pillows, and pillows that were definitely from their bedrooms along with lots of nerf bullets. The coffee table had been pushed off the the side on its side, while blankets covered the rest of the furniture. She had no idea why. Ryder was crouched behind the couch with a nerf gun, Tanya sitting next to him playing with her teddy bear seemingly unaware of what was going on around her, while Gabriel and Michael hid behind the love seats across the couch sporting their own guns.

"We need backup, Michael!" Gabriel exclaimed.

Michael gave his older twin a deathly, serious look. "We are the backup."

"Ready to surrender, brats?!" Ryder shouted in a poor Russian accent. That was when he caught sight of her. He sent her a smile and wink, before claiming his façade once again. "There is no way out of this for you! You will never be able to get the princess back!"

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