A Very British Panic

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Published on March the 27th, 2019.

The Indicative Votes have been held; but all they have done is to indicate how hamstrung Parliament is, as given the choice of eight options ranging from No Deal to revocation of Article 50, they chose none of them!

What the House of Commons did do however, was to approve the motion delaying the Exit Date to April 12th. A shame, as we were less than fifty hours from freedom at the time. So April the 12th it is then; a date that will be adhered to or else there'll be trouble.

Yesterday evening also marked the end of any hopes Boris Johnston ever had of becoming Prime Minister as he made the greatest of all of his many gaffes by switching sides and declaring his support for Theresa May, should she attempt to present her surrender for a third time. Jacob Rees-Mogg also hasn't covered himself in glory with his vacillating; why both of them would consider aiding an effectively finished PM to pass a Withdrawal Agreement described by the still resolutely opposed DUP as "a prison" is something only they know and can explain.

So this morning - which should have marked our final full day as an EU member - we are no further forward, for even when Parliament temporarily slips its leash and panics, it can't even manage that in a coherent manner; a fact which will be noted in the European capitals, especially Paris, where M. Macron's patience will continue to be strained. Seeing this shambles continue, and with no obvious way out, shortly he must say <<Vous avez fait votre lit et maintenant vous devez y dormir.>>

Update, 16.00. It's now reported the government will attempt to have a third vote on the surrender this Friday, the 29th, on what should have been our Exit Day and as a protest rally against the Brexit betrayal is due to take place in Parliament Square. What could possibly go wrong?

On Saturday will there be headlines about rioting, or MAY GOES DOWN FOR THE THIRD TIME?

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