Chapter 45

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"Hyung...please...just let me sleep."

"You know good and well Jimin-ah was the one that called everyday looking for that bear."

"Hyung. Please."

"It's your fault for drinking all day with Minji. You know what I'm talking about."

"As long as she's happy right?"

"I hope that's the intentions you're going into this with. Jungkook-ah, I've never gotten involved, but this time you may want to back off before someone gets hurt."

"Hyung. Please. Just let me sleep."

"Fine. Just please remember my words."



You sit on his bed, your jaw slightly open from shock as he shakes his head lightly.

"Please....just...just hear me out."

"O-Okay...go ahead..."

Jimin quickly sits down beside you and sighs, his hands sweaty and fidgety on his lap.

"I..I um....I've liked you for a really long time....but...I could to instead I gave you a hard time because I got first so many ended up hating me because of I watched you from afar...when I worked at the cafe...and you looked at that box....I told myself one day I would give it to you..."


"I know...I know we're just boyfriend and girlfriend, and that's okay! I just...I wanted to tell you.....h-how I f-feel...."

His voice fails him as he looks away from you with beet red cheeks, a tender smile stretching across your cheeks.


He...he's felt this way for a long time...I had no idea..


He looks over at you as you place your hands on his warm cheeks, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down when he swallows hard.

" the greatest gift...anyone could have gotten me..."

He gazes into your eyes with light shock as he places his hands over yours.

"But...I...I really wanted to get your bear.."

"That something from my's something that isn't exactly cherished....but it's more so something I need to remember at one time...I was the one person I thought would love me forever. It became something to hold on to...but...I don't need it anymore.."


" I have you..."

Jimin's eyes widen in shock when you lean forward and press your lips against his, the soft tenderness of his lips overcoming yours.

"I love my present Chimchim...Thank you...."

You giggke softly when Jimin hides his face in your neck, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist.

"Y-You're welcome Sweetheart..."

"So...I guess this means you were pretty obsessed with me?"


Jimin sits up and looks at you with a red face as you laugh, his cute puffy cheeks flushed.

"I never knew my biggest fan was Park Jimin!"


You both fall into laughter as he tackles you on his bed, his fingers tickling your sides, your hands trying hard to shove him away.

"Y-Yah! Jimin! Stop!"

He smiles wide and wraps his arms around your waist, his face tenderly laying in your hair.

"I've never had someone like you."

You turn softly and smile when his eyebrow raises in light confusion, his cheeks now back to his regular shade.

"Like...I don't adoptive parents....had a son before me, but he passed away at a really young I always kind of they were using me to feel like he wasn't gone...I....I've never been anyone's number one....."

Jimin looks at you warmly as he pulls you closer to him, your heart resting against his chest as his heart drums quickly.

"You've always been my number one Sweetheart."

"Really? You haven't dated any other girls?"

"Nope. None."

"But....what about that rumor about you being with all kinds of girls..."

Jimin leans forward and places his head back up against your chest, his hands placing your own in his hair.

"I don't know how that even got was an old rumor in highschool so when I became a skater...that's all people said about me..."

Your fingers trace tenderly through his silky black hair as his lips pushes out in his famous pout.

"Did you think I was like that?"

"Well yeah...all the girls always gushed over you...I would literally see them standing in front of your gym doors trying to watch you skate."

"Did you ever watch me skate?"

"No. I hates you remember?"

Jimin smiles softly and tugs you down with him, his arms wrapping tightly around your body.

"Now you're all mine though...right?.."

"Of course Chimchim. All yours."

He smiles warmly and lays his face in your hair, his fingers dragging up and down your arm.

" you ever think you'll see your mom again?..."

Ah...the question I ask myself everyday....

"No...she's gone...nobody even knew what her name was...the police suspect she was homeless and had she didn't have much of a record..."


"Plus...I don't know why I would want to find her...other than ask her why she left me...why she didn't drop me off somewhere other than a store..give me the hope of buying a toy...then leaving me..."

"Aww Sweetheart..."

You don't even realize the tears rolling down your cheeks until Jimin holds you closer to him, his subtle heartbeat making the pain in your chest slowly fade.


"Don't apologize Sweetheart...that stuff is hard to talk about..."

The room is silent for what seems like a minute until Jimin reaches over and clicks the light off, your voice breaking the tender silence.

"I um...I'm kind of excited about the ice dance tomorrow....oh and they changed the outfit for me...they added thick white tights so I wouldn't be uncomfortable..."

Jimin tenderly places a kiss on your head before nodding as you can feel him smiling in your hair.

"Good...I was pretty hard on them about it...."


"Yes Sweetheart?"

"I think I've fallen in love with you too."

(A/N): More Gush and smush for you.

Enjoy it while it lastsss~

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