Ch.48 What The Hell?

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Pain. Sharp pain. My head pounds and my ribs hurt and basically my whole body hurts. I know I'm alive, but I don't know where I am. I don't want to open my eyes. I know I'm not in my car anymore. After they rear ended me and my car spun, I blacked out and I don't know what happened. I open my eyes and I'm in Carters car. What the actual hell? He's supposed to be locked up.

"Morning." He says. I bring my gaze to him and my hand cradles my head. It's pounding. "You didn't brake anything and all you have are a few bruises and scrapes."

"How?" I ask flustered and scared. He sighs but keeps driving. "And where the hell are we going?"

"I made up with my brother. I told him I know how your father works, because I do, and that I could help protect you." He says.

"So you hit my car?" I ask angrily. He shakes his head.

"I didn't hit your car. I don't know who hit your car. Sage sent me out to find you and make sure you were safe on your drive over and someone rammed into you." I don't think I believe him. "And we're going to Sage's." He adds. I take out my phone and call Sage. I need to ask him. It rings and he picks up on the second ring.

"You're safe, right? Carter told me what happened." He says.

"Yeah, I'm safe. I think. Is Carters story true? You guys 'made up'? What's going on? How did you forgive him after he tried to kill us?" I ask in disbelief.

"It's a long story. Just know that we can trust him. I'll see you soon." He says.

"Okay, see you soon." I reply confused. What the hell is happening? What is my life anymore? I love Sage and all but this is not a life I want to live. This isn't even living. Although it is kind of fun. I get a rush out of it.

"Love you, baby." He says. My heart melts. I love this man.

"Love you too." I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket. Carter glances at me before sighing.

"It's a very, very long story that's hard to explain. All you need to know is everything's okay, and you can trust me." He says. I roll my eyes and look out the window. At this point, whatever. The whole thing was probably some scheme that was for a good reason that they both knew about or something. That's how things have been lately. I can't help but be a little happy that whatever happened with Carter is okay now. I've missed him. I didn't want to lose another friend. The guys from North Carolina are still here. They've been 'sight seeing'. There's nothing interesting in this part of New York though so I don't know what they're actually doing.

I don't talk to Carter and he doesn't talk to me. I don't want to talk to him. I know I miss him, but at the same time, he's the reason my baby died. He's the reason I lost my baby. It's all his fault, and I'll never forget that. Ever.

We get to Sage's house and Sage is waiting outside. He comes up to the car and opens my door before picking me up and carrying me to the house. I don't complain because I'm in pain and I just want his touch right now. Carter follows behind and I bury my face in Sage's shoulder.

"Stay here, Carter." Sage says firmly.

"I want to make sure she's okay!" Carter argues.

"You've done enough." Sage says. He walks up the stairs and leaves Carter behind. We make it to his room and he gently places me on the bed. I remove my face from him and I see that he had everything set up. There are candles littered all about the room, there's my favorite candies and snacks, there's a bunch of blankets and pillows and Disney movies are piled on his table. He walks over to the bathroom and comes back with the first aid kit.

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