Bonus XI: Baby III

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Last bonus. I've had so much fun writing this story guys. Thanks to everyone who has liked and commented on this story and big thanks to everyone who enjoyed it. I really appreciate u guys.

Johnny of course followed.

I was in the most pain I've ever felt. My stomach and everything really was killing me.

I was trying me best not to scream my lungs out.

"Shhh. Baby it's gonna be okay."

1 hour later I had finally managed to push the surprise second child out of me.

The doctor let me hold one of them despite my protests. Johnny was sitting beside me sweating while holding the other.

"They're beautiful." Johnny whispers. I look at the boy in my hands and smile when I noticed he smiled at me.

My mind went back to Navy. How pure and sweet she was. I leaned on Johnny's shoulder as I gently touched my babies face.

He smiles and reaches up and grabs my finger.

"I can't do this Johnny." My eyes tear up and he looks down at me. He held our other boy close.

"What do you mean baby?"

"I can't get rid of them. They're just so perfect." I was a sobbing mess at this point as I gently stroked the babies hair.

"Then don't. Natasha will understand right?"

"I can't keep them Johnny. I'm broke. You're broke. They'll be disruptive. I can't ask the gang to put up with them just because I'm soft."

"They don't care Vix. They want you to keep them. Its better if they know they're parents don't you think?"

"Of course they should. But."

"But nothing. Do what you think is right. I can't stop you. But look at his face. Doesn't he deserve to know you?"

I look down and see the sleeping face of my beautiful boy. I smile slightly and rub his nose.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door and the gang followed by Natasha was in my room.

"Doctor said it was okay to see you unless you wanted to sleep." Darry says sitting in the chair beside my bed.

"There's two? Oh my god they're beautiful." Natasha says walking over to the bed.

She motions for Johnny to hand her the baby and he does so reluctantly. She holds him gently and rocks him.

He immediately starts crying.

"Oh William stop crying. It's okay baby. I'm your new mommy?"

"William? You already named my baby?" I questioned.

"Of course. I had a boy and girl named picked out. It's a shame I can't use the girl." She rocks 'William' some more and he continues crying.

"You're really gonna give em away huh?" Pony asks eyeing the baby in my hands.

I look down then over to the baby Natasha was holding bawling his poor eyes out.

"No. I can't do that. Darry please don't hate me but I can't get rid of them." I tell him.

"I never said to Vixen." Darry responds. Natasha stops rocking the baby and looks at me.

"What? But."

"I'm sorry Natasha. I realized I can't get rid of them. They're my babies."

"You can't just change your mind."

"Yes I can." Johnny reached and tried to grab the baby from Natasha but she jerks him away.

"Give him the baby." I tell her.

"No. I put up with your mood swings for a month and I drove all the way to Tulsa and I don't even get 1 baby? You had two. They don't know who you are!"

"Natasha give him the baby."

"No. I'm keeping him." She starts to walk out the door but was stopped by Dallas standing there clutching his side.

"Give my sister back her baby." He winces slightly.

"I can't."

"Do it!" He barks. Natasha squeals and hands Johnny the baby.

"Now leave." Natasha nods and runs out of the room. I smile slightly and Dally scowls.

"You're welcome."

"I thought you didn't want me to have a baby?" I question.

"Yeah well they're obviously important to ya."

"Thanks Dal." Johnny says. The baby quiets down and Johnny sits back beside me.

"What's they're names huh?" Dally asks sitting in a chair clutching his side.

"I haven't really thought about it." I say honestly.

"Can I hold one?" Pony asks shyly. I smile slightly and nod holding out the baby in my arms.

He walks over quietly and picks up the baby carefully.

"Hold it's head pony." Darry instructs. Pony does as he's told and he cradled the baby and rocked him softly.

He smiles slightly when he looks down at it.

"He's beautiful Vixen."

"Thanks Pony."

"Hey. How bout we give them to the nurses and you can get some sleep?" Johnny questions. I nod slowly and yawn not realising how tired I was.

Johnny called for a nurse and I heard him tell her to make sure they're kept under a close watch in case Natasha came back.


I woke up sometime later to see the gang all sprawled out everywhere asleep. I smile slightly and the door opens and a nurse walks in with a small crib. Inside are my sons.

"Good to see your awake. Have you thought of what you wanted to name the babies?" She asks.

"I think so. Um one should be Dallas. And one Should be Johnny. I'll have to see what my boyfriend thinks first."

"It's perfect babe." Johnny mumbles from the floor. I smile slightly and he sits up and gets on the bed with me.

"Great. Your boys are beautiful by the way."


"No problem." The nurse pushes the crib closer to us and she leaves without another word.

Johnny picks up one of the babies and hands it to me then he picks up the other and he holds it.

"So which ones which?" Johnny chuckles. I shrug my shoulders and look down at the baby in my hands.

The small amount of hair he had on his head was blonde. The other was black. I smile slightly.

Suddenly the one I'm holding opens his eyes and I see that they're an icy blue like Dallys.

"This ones Dallas." I smile. I look over and see Johnny had opened his eyes as well.

His were the same chocolate brown colour as Johnny's and I smile and lean my head on his shoulder.

From that point on, I knew my life would be perfect.

The End

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