Part XI

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We all sat quietly at the top of the monkey bars. Pony offered us each a cigarette and we both took one.

We lit up and took a few drags. I really enjoyed the company of these too. Even if we don't talk a lot. And I reckon that's more my fault then there's.

When we were done with our smokes we dropped them on the ground and got down to stomp them out. Johnny and Pony helped me down.

Mostly Johnny. I fell slightly against his chest. A little squeak coming out of my mouth.

Johnny steadied me and let me go with a slight blush.

"Wanna swing?" I nod quickly. I haven't been on a swing in years. Johnny and Pony smile at one another and they lead me to the swing set.

"Johnny push us will ya." Pony laughs. He takes the swing next to mine and Johnny smiles and rolls his eyes playfully.

He walks over and gives Pony a starter push. He starts kicking his legs and soon enough he's up high.

I felt Johnny come up behind me. I felt his hands light against my back and I shuddered.

"Don't let me get to high please. I'm scared of heights." I whisper.

"But you were just at the top of the monkey bars with us." Johnny whispers back. His breath in my ear causes me to shiver.

"Y-yeah. But I was in between the two of you. I felt safe. But now I'm all alone on a swing." I explain. Johnny nods.

"Alright. I won't let you get to high." I feel Johnny pull me back by the chains of the swing and he lets me go.

I felt that feeling in my chest that happens only when I'm up high. I gulp slightly and watch the ground.

I feel Johnny behind me as I come back down. He pushes again lightly making sure I don't go up to high.

I didn't bother pumping my legs. That would make me go higher.

I looked over at Ponyboy who looked like he was having the time of his life. His eyes were closed and his smile was real big.

He looked almost like a little kid. Despite the small cut he had on his neck. How come I've never noticed that before?

We swung for a while until Johnny got tired and quit pushing me. Pony and I got off, well I did the sensible thing and waited till the swing stopped.

But Pony jumped in mid swing and landed a few feet away. He stumbled and fell on his stomach.

Laughing his head off.

Johnny and I went over to check on him to make sure he was okay. He was. His hand just got a little scraped up from landing on the ground. Other than that he was fine.

We spent a few more hours in the park. Just talking about stuff. I opened up some to the boys.

Told them how I wanted to be an artist and all. Told them all the dreams and aspirations I had as a kid. I didn't tell them how I felt now.

I knew I wouldn't be able to achieve any of them. So I lowered my expectations. Any job I was able to get I would take.

Pony told me how he wanted to be an author. He said he was pretty good at writing. At least he thought so.

He offered to let me read some of his works and I agreed. Pony told me how he was on the track team.

Troubles he used to have with Darry. Even that his parents were killed in an auto wreck a few months back. Told how Soda dropped out.

He told me a lot.

Johnny walked along quietly. Only talking if he was being spoken too.

We were going around the fountain when I spoke up.

"Say Johnny. Tell me about you." Johnny tensed up.

"Whadya wanna know?" He asked. I shrug and look at Pony. He probably knew everything about Johnny. Who knows how long they've known each other.

"Anything." I reply. Johnny shrugs this time.

"I ain't got nothin to tell. I'm boring." He says quietly.

"Shush up Johnny Cade. You know that ain't true. You're one of the most interesting fellas I know." Pony defends.

"Shoot kid. You're just sayin that."

"Naw man. I mean it." I smile hearing Pony stick up for Johnny like that. These two really were close. It's a wonder they ain't brothers.

"It's alright if you don't wanna say nothin Johnny. I was just curious is all." I tell him. Johnny nods and Pony leads us out of the park.

"Where're we going?" I ask.

"To the lot. Figured we've spent nuff time here." Pony says cooly. I nod and follow him.

Johnny trailed quietly behind us.

We walked for a few minutes until we came to a clearing at the end of the neighbourhood.

Bunch of trash was laying around and one beat up car seat sat in the middle. A fire pit was in front of it.

"We come here to play football or whatever with the gang." Pony says.

I nod slowly. This was where Johnny was asleep last night. I look over to him and he was looking around.

"You slept here last night Johnny?" I asked. He looked over at me surprised.

"He does that some nights." Pony says.

"I like lookin at the stars and bein outside." Johnny adds. Similar to me. I like falling asleep outside.

I nod slowly.

"I get it." Johnny nods and we walk over to the seat. Pony starts up a fire even though it's not that cold out.

Johnny and me sit down. I look up at the sky. It was so clear and blue. Not a cloud in sight.

The sun beat down softly enough to warm my face. The breeze blew past causing goosebumps to erupt.

I closed my eyes and let myself listen to the sounds around me.

Trees swayed slightly and birds chirped. Somewhere in the distance I could hear a dog barking.

I felt myself lean over and my head rested on something soft. It was Johnny. He smelled like he did last night and it oddly comforted me.

I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep.

The fire crackling softly in the background.

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