Bonus VII: Runaway II

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Another bonus chapter. How fun.



I made it to the book store and Bryan was waiting.

"Hey. I called Natalie and she said she'd be happy to take you in for a while."

"Thank you. You have no idea how much help you've been to me." I slowly wrap my arms around Bryan's waist and he hesitates a second before hugging me back.

"I have a question." He mumbles. I pull away and look up at him.

"How far along are you?"

"7 months."

"Wow. You hardly even look it. Like you barely have a stomach." Bryan says pointing to my stomach that was slightly poking out more than usual.

"Yeah. The doctor said it was okay because all women are different when it comes to pregnancy."

"That I agree with. But are you sure you want to go back to New York? And give up your baby?"

"Well yeah. I mean I wouldn't raise it properly because I'm a fucked Up mess and it would just end up being a distraction for my friends. Besides if I give it away then it's less chance of my brother finding out. And if he does then Johnny and I could be in trouble."

"Alright. If you're sure this is what you want. We leave tomorrow morning."

"Thanks again Bryan." He smiles slightly and gets back behind the counter.

"Just sit somewhere I'll take you to my house on my lunch break." I nod slowly and pull up a chair and sit behind the counter.

I make sure to sit out of sight because I know Ponyboy likes to come here a lot.

We sat in silence for a few hours. Hardly anybody came in. Finally Bryan told me to follow him and he took me to his truck he drove me here in.

"Come on." I nod and climb in the car and he drives off.

We drove for u don't know how long until we come up to a small cabin type house on the top of a small hill.

It looked so cute and quaint.

Bryan gets out and I get out as well and grab my bags. I follow him inside.

"Bryan honey is that you?" A sweet sounding southern voice comes from the kitchen.

Suddenly a woman with her blonde hair up in curlers and her blue dress covered in flour comes out.

She looks from me to Bryan confused.

"Beth this is Vixen." Her eyes sparkle and I assume she knows about me.

"Oh Vixen. I remember Bryan coming home telling me how he practically saved your life. How are you sweetheart." She walks over and gives me a hug.

"Yeah without Bryan is probably be dead." I laugh.

"Well What brings you here darling?"

"I'm taking her to New York to have her baby. She'd rather be away from here. She's gonna adopt it out."

"Adopt it out? Honey are you sure? Kids are the best thing that will ever happen to you."

"Yeah. I'm sure. I'd rather not risk harming others."

"Oh dear. You poor thing. Hopefully once you have it you'll changed your mind. Bryan call the kids in for dinner." Beth says walking back to the kitchen.

"Ok. Go on in the kitchen. Beth will make you a plate." I nod slowly and go in through the door Beth did and to came in to a small kitchen. Beth was setting several plates and I assumed they were having company.

But soon Bryan came in 5 children in tow and I gasped.

"How can you have so many." I whisper. Beth and Bryan chuckle quietly.

"They're a blessing." Beth tells me. She sets a plate in front of me.

"Mommy whose this lady?" A small girl no older than 8 years old asks.

"This is Vixen. She'll be staying over night. I want you all to behave yourselves." The little girl looks at me curiously and I blush slightly and say my food with my head down.

"She's pretty." I hear the girl say suddenly. I look up and she was smiling slightly at me.

"Thanks. Uh what's your name?"

"I'm Navy." She says.

"Navy. That's a beautiful name." She smiles showing off her missing front teeth.

"Nobody besides mommy and daddy said my name was pretty. Thank you." She beams happily and I smile.

"Can she read us a bed time story?" A small boy perhaps younger than Navy asks.

"I'm not Sure Benjamin. I think Vixen should decide. They all look at me expectantly.

"Sure." They all cheer happily and I smile.

"Can we play a game?" A small boy who looks just like Benjamin asks.

"Of course Austyn." Beth says.

"Great. Can Vixen play too?"

"Depends on what it is. She can't really do rough housing right now son." Bryan says.

"Why not?"

"Because she's pregnant." Beth says. They all look at me confused.

"How old are you?" Navy asks me.


"Really? My mommy always says you should wait until your older to have kids." I blush at the little girls words and I notice Beth spanks her legs.

She tears up slightly but didn't say anything else about it.

Beth made up the couch and apologized for Navy's words. They had dismissed me from story time for whatever reason and they excluded me from their game.

But it was alright.

Once everyone was in bed I stayed awake staring up at the ceiling. God how I hated sleeping alone.

Suddenly I hear tiny footsteps coming towards me and I look up and see a small outline.

"Can I sleep with you? I don't like sleeping with the others." I smile at Navy even though she can't see.

"Sure. Why don't you like sleeping with them?" I ask. I move over and feel her crawl beside me.

"Because they're poopy heads." She mumbles. I chuckle quietly and I feel her put her head on my chest.

"Can I feel your baby?" She asks quietly as if not to let her mom hear. Although I don't know how she would.

"Sure." I pull up my shirt slightly and I feel Navy's cold hands touch my stomach. She holds it there for a second until I suddenly feel a small kick.

She gasps and pulls her hand away quickly. Although I could tell she was smiling.

"Whoa." She whispers. I smile slightly and I hear Navy snoring quietly. She held tightly onto my shirt desperate for me to stay.

I smile slightly and wrap my arms around her.

Great. Now it'll be harder for me to get rid of this baby.

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