What Have I Done

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Please don't read if you have had abuse happen in your life, this will trigger memories or flashbacks, you've been warned.

Your P.O.V:

I sat in bed, alone for AGAIN, for the tenth straight night.

Lauren has been going out clubbing ever since a interviewer got personal, while they were off camera.

Was it about me, our relationship, her sexuality?

I thought that didn't bother her-

I'm caught off guard when the door swings open to find a stupidly drunk, Lauren.

"Baby, are you-" I start to ask but get caught off.

"Do we have any Jack?" She slurred and my stomach grew tight.

"In the kitchen, Lauren-" she disappeared before I could ask.

I remember her saying that she was a mean drunk, I haven't seen it yet but maybe she was wrong?

I quickly went down stairs to find her chugging the bottle.

"Baby, I missed-"

"Shut up!" She yells at me, I'm taken a back by her words and feel her drilling bullets into me. My Lauren never had pure hatred for me, or maybe she has?

"I'm sorry-" I'm caught off for the fourth time as she yells.

"I SAID SHUT UP, OH MY GOD CANT YOU LISTEN FOR ONCE?!" She screams and chucks the bottle at the wall behind me.

I hear it smash and pain form in multiple areas my back.

I stood there frozen, as she walks away, looking at me in disgust.

I felt tears flood my eyes as I sat down at the dining table, I sat side ways so my back wouldn't be damaged more.

I sat there, thinking of what happened over and over again.

"I'm sorry..."


Lauren's P.O.V:

I woke up, hungover, and completely lost on what happened after I got home, but when I didn't find Y/n next to me, I knew something was wrong.

I quickly got up, my head pounding but I didn't care, I needed to know where she is.

"Baby?" I called out, looking through the upstairs, soon running downstairs.

When I ran into the dining room my heart dropped as I saw thick shards of glass sticking out of her back.

"Y/n? Oh my god, Y/n!" I yell as I run to the kitchen and grab the tweezers and rubbing alcohol.

I see the smashed bottle of Jack and I knew what I did, I started to cry as I grabbed everything and sat on the ground in front of her.

She was so out of it, her little eyes and nose red and she didn't look at me.

"I'm sorry" was all I heard from her when multiple tears ran down my face.

"No No, Y/n" I gently touch her face and she snaps out of her trance.

"Lolo...?" She whispers as she slowly leans her cheek into my hand.

I nod and she softly smiles.

I gently wrap my arms around her next and hug her.

"Oh my baby, what have I done" I whisper as tears fell quickly.

I gently pull her down and lay her, stomach first, on my legs.

I comfort her as I slowly started to pull out the shards.

After a long and painful hour, I was done, and I guided her to the couch, after I bandaged her up.

She instantly fell asleep and I kiss her head, placing a blanket on her before I went to the kitchen.

I looked at the mess I created and anger started to boil, the broken glass on the floor, dried up Jack Daniels, but what tore me up most was the blood droplets.

I hurt her.

I hurt the love of my life because some stupid pervert, that got to me and hurt my feelings.

I'm pathetic.

I start to clean everything, I scrub the floor and wall, throwing away the glass and I look at the open cabinet of alcohol, I grab the garbage bag.

"Never again" I say as I throw every bottle away, quickly walking out to the garbage can.

As I walk back in I hear myself being called.

"Lauren?" A soft voice calls for me and I jog into the room.

"Y/n-" She cuts me off.

"I love you" She says as I see her sitting up with love in her eyes.

"No, baby you should be pissed at me, please yell or punch me the face" I says and she giggles softly, as she pats the space beside her.

I sit down and she takes my face into her hands, making me look at her.

"These eyes looked at me with pure hate last night" she whispers as she rubs her thumbs on my cheeks, my eyes widen as tears started to form.

"But these eyes were held by someone else, it wasn't the Lauren that's looking at me now" she says with a smile and kisses me.

"I stayed up all night and thought about what I was going to do when you woke up" she says as she rest her hands and forehead on mine.

"I won't deny, I thought about leaving and never coming back." She says and I nod.

"But the way you looked at me this morning, I've not seen more love in those eyes since ten days ago" she says and kisses my nose.

"I know you didn't mean it, and thats why I'm not leaving, I'm staying here with you because I love you too much" I look up at her and she smiles.

"This will never happen again, I promise" I say and kiss her softly she smiles in the kiss.

I sure as hell am going to keep this promise.


Lauren's P.O.V:

It's been a good ten years since that night, and here I laid with my wife, smiling as the soft rays of sun danced across her face.

Slowly lift her shirt and look at the scars on her back, I trace then softly with my finger tips and kiss each one, I gently lay my head on her shoulder and sigh.

"I love you"

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