I'll Fight It For You Pt. 1

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Y/n's P.O.V:

"You can't get rid of all of me..."

"AH!" I yell as I awake from my nightmare and start to breath heavily.

I look to my side only to find an untouched space, I sigh.

Oh yeah...

I take a couple deep breathes and get up, walking towards the bathroom.

As I turn on the lights, I squint, and look at myself in the mirror.

Wow three months of sleepless nights really turns me into a monster.

"You can't turn into one if you already have one living inside you."

"Shut up" I say and turn on the sink, splashing water on my face.

"What? You know I always come back when she's away."

"It's hard to hurt you when your safe place is here, to be honest you'd probably be dead if it wasn't for her-"

"Fear, I said shut up" I say and I hear a dark chuckle and someone place their hand on my right shoulder.

I look into the mirror to see another me with black eyes and a crooked smile.

"What? You don't like when I talk about Lauren?" Fear asks and I huff, soon walking out of the bathroom and downstairs.

"You know, Lauren must think you're crazy since you said that you can see us, who know, she might leave you because of it."

"F-Fear please don't say that"

I look over as I make my way down stairs and see me, but with pure white eyes.

"Oh great, welcome back Anxiety" I say sarcastically and walk towards the kitchen.

"Seriously Y/n, she must think somethings wrong with you" Fear said with a dark laugh.

I bite on my tongue and start to make myself something to eat.

"I-I don't think you should be eating this early Y/n" Says Anxiety and I look at the clock to see it reads three a.m.

"Shit, you're right" I mumble and I put the appliances away.

Suddenly I get a text and I furrow my eyebrows as I wonder to how is texting me at this hour.

My Lolo ❤️:

Hey baby! I figured you must be up since it's three a.m. back in L.A, I just want you to fight off those evil things till I get back to you, you can do it!  No matter how many times those nightmares come back, I'll always be here ❤️

I smile and blush a little at my girlfriends concern and love.


Thanks Lolo 💗

My Lolo ❤️:

Who's there with you?


Fear and Anxiety, I think Depression might make an appearance tho.

"You are right" Says a deep voice and I tune to see me with pure blue eyes.

"Yay, the gangs all here" I say with a sarcastic tone.

"Watch it Y/n" says depression as they make its way towards me.

"Remember last time you mouthed off to me?" Depression asks and I have a flashback to when I stayed in my bed all day before I met Lauren, crying and leaving blood on the bathroom sink.

I shake my head and walk away from the demons that stays in my head.

The things you have to know about these three are that, Depression runs everything, they are a scary bitch when you cross them. Fear is second in command and mostly a jackass but just as scary when you challenge their Authority. Anxiety is/isn't powerful at the same time, really does care about me but still hurts me in the process.

As I walk into my bed room I get another text.

My Lolo ❤️:

You can do this baby, the girls and I are cheering you on 💓

I smile and plug my phone in, soon laying down to sleep, only to be faced with three pairs of eyes staring at me.

"Please let me sleep" I say and anxiety starts to speak.

"I know, b-but remember that time back in third grade when you kissed that girl and she denied you feelings" they say and I start to feel my chest tighten and my heart sting.

I just have to wait three more weeks and she'll be back, can't be that hard...right?

To be continued...

Lauren Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt