NCIS Chapter 31

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Two weeks later


Lily's POV

For the whole two weeks, my father trained me to prepare myself for what's come next. He tortured me, because he thought that I was doing wrong things, but in reality, I doesn't. I wished that I don't have to suffer under his control, but I knew that I have to. He kept giving me brainwashing medicine, but as two weeks come to an end, he give me two brainwashing medicine, and I completely hate it. I felt hopeless, as one of those soldiers threw me into a dark room, and I have journal, and stuffed black fur with red stripe wolf with me, but my father already found out that I have picture frame, and he destroyed it.

Jeremy's POV

I heard that NCIS Team will show up by the end of two weeks, to rescue my daughter, and bring her back home. I talk to Jenny Shepard a week ago, and she told me "train your daughter to prepare her for what to come next". I told her "what if they already find her, and took her away from me, she all I have left". She told me "don't worry, I will send someone over there to protect you guys". I told her "but...". She told me "no but, or objection"! I end our call, as I come to an dark room to find my daughter, Lily sit there, looking at nothing...

Lily's POV

Slowly, I lose my father's trust, as he come toward me, and told me "can you do me a favor?" Silently, I refused to give him the answer that he want to hear, so he grab my hair harsh, and forced me to make eye contact with him. I told him "Nope, I can't." He decided to slap me on my face, and told me "Jenny's right all along, you're worthless to be alive." I told him "alright, but who the hell is Jenny?" I take my stand. My father, Jeremy gives orders to his soldiers to take me down, and get me on my knees. 7 soldiers broken into, and surrounded me in a circle. As I take a stand, I put my journal, stuffed black fur with red stripe wolf down on the floor, as I walk backward. Slowly, I remember what the hell happened to me as my father take me away from my mother, Jaelyn. I run forward, take a spin, do a backflip, and kick to three of those soldiers.

Jeremy's POV

I'm surprised that my daughter basically take down three of my soldiers. In fact, I don't know what the word "Family" means. I don't know until Lily was born, and I hated her from day one, because Canada government told me to take her away the moment she was born.

Gibbs and his team's POV

We made a land on Canada soil, and we all hate it, because it bring basically bad memories for Lily Archer. Abby stay behind, along with Ducky, and Batya, as they prepare themselves for when we will bring her back.

Tony, and Ziva's POV

We both interlock our hands, as we made a land on Canada soil. Gibbs already know about us being in a relationship, because Tony told him to give him permission to broke Rule 12, and Gibbs seems to be fine with it long as we wouldn't let it bother our work relationship.

Ziva's POV

I told Gibbs that this is Canada government, and he told me that it look like Military camp, and he hoped that Lily Archer is there. I have blanket in case she need it, or she don't remember us. I look at Tony, and he told me "everything will be ok, Ziva, we will find her". He kiss my forehead, as we all walk toward Military Camp. We can heard the bawl talk between Lily and her father.

Lily's POV

I take down four another soldiers, and told my father "you think that you can take me down, I hate you, because you forced me to take those stupid brainwashing medicine, to make me forgetten who I am, where I come from, and who I'm trusted." I broken down, and cried... I take a stand, and take a fighting position, ready to take my father down, when door broken down, and there are at least four people enter here. They yelled "NCIS. Federal Agents"! I punched my father, and he lose his balance.

Gibbs' POV

I was like "gasped" when Lily punched her father, and he lose his balance, I can't believe that she is the one who step into the "storm" two years ago, and return a changed woman. She make eye contact with us, and she warned us to not make any moves. I, Tony, and Tim stand stay, as I told Ziva to move forward, and sign to her gentle.

Lily's POV

I look as someone walk toward me and she say "come with us, look, I knew that you might be afraid, but please come with us, we can promise to you that they will not gonna hurt you." I told her "how?....everything is taken away from me, I can't remember who I am, where I come from, and who I trusted two years ago." I walk backward, and she knew that this will be chaos.

Ziva's POV

"Gibbs, I can't get through her, because she is changed, and she told me that she can't remember who she is, where she come from, and who she trusted". His heart is broken a little, but he knew that I have to get through her somehow. I look, drop my stuffs down, as she run forward. I take my fighting position, when she take a spin, do a backflip, and was about to do a kick, when I have to do something unexpectedly......

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