NCIS Chapter 29

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Lily's POV

It's being suffer two years for me, as I'm forgetting who I'm, where I'm from, and who I trusted. My father....he told me that I've already forgotten about my team. I'm at my room, which is filled with my stuffs. All those soldiers around, can't just accept me right away, because I have to prove everything to them that I'm good soldier. They're pain in my ass, because they just rejected me for who I am. Right now, I don't know who I can able to trust anymore, because if I trusted them, then they lost my trust...and that's cause me to shut the world out. I'm at the gym, practice my moves, for who know that someone will come by, and try to take me away. I run forward, take a spin, backflip, and do a kick, but I don't know who teaches me this move, but someone did. Also I forget how it's feel like to be loved by team...

Jeremy's POV

I'm looking at my daughter, and she's impressed me, because she's prove that she can be capable of become a assassin/soldier. Yet, I kept give her brainwashing medicine, because I think that it's help her forget about her NCIS Team. I noticed that she's kept her emotions in check, because she is not this person who can able to reveals her emotions as she was, two years ago. Both, I and Jenny Shepard kept in contact for two years now, and I hoped that our talking relationship can going on for long time. My wife, Jaelyn don't talk to me after I take Lily away from her.

NCIS, Bullpen

Gibbs' POV

"Tim, please locate Lily Archer". I want to find her, and bring her home, because I have feeling that she is might be afraid to trust anyone, now that she might not able to remember what happened to her two years ago. I told Batya "when we will bring Lily back, she will be in Interrogation Room, just for our and hers safety". She told me "why"? I told her "who know that she might be afraid, and try to escape, and we want to regain her trust". I also told her "she will be much different than she was, two years ago, when she left here".

Batya's POV

I told Gibbs "I can help her regain yours trust, and I can feeling that she refused to lose her faith when she come by, look for me, and David, but right now, I don't know where he is, because we already are separated during terrible war in Afghanistan". He told me "because she's former Marine, don't means she give up on you, that mean she find a different way to help people like you". I told him "I still don't lose my faith in her, for that I believe that she will find my brother, and bring him back to me". He told me "before she left here, she say "Semper Fi" to me, because she always have been faithful to us, even though that someone pulled her down, she don't let her faith down". I told Gibbs "I can see why she look up to you as her 'father' because you're protective of her". He told me "I know, but will she even be happy to see us again"? I told him "if she's changed, just give her time to get use to be around here, and I knew that you will bring her back here".

Ziva's POV

I try to figure a plan to bring Lily back home, but I knew that she might be changed. Tony, Tim, and Abby help me out with our plan. We all hate Lily's father from the beginning, because he gives us bad vibe, but he's so good at cover it. Her mother is nice woman who decide to help us out though video chat.

Tim's POV

I'm try again on tracking Lily Archer, because first time's not so lucky. I have feeling that her father turned her phone off, so I can't tracking her. Abby help me out as I analysis where she is at right now. I love Abby so much, so today or tomorrow, I have to ask Gibbs for his permission to broke Rule 12.


Lily's POV

All soldiers left me alone, as I want to go back home, but I knew that I might be stuck here for a long time. I was selected to become their assassin/soldier not few weeks ago, to take someone's team down. I still felt angry at my father, because he take me away from my mother, but I also kept my emotions in 'jar', because I don't want to cause any trouble. Right now, I'm at my "room", there are: picture frame, and journal on my desk. On my bed is: Stuffed black fur with red stripe wolf on it. I can't really placed where, who, and how I get them... Anyway, I'm settle down on chair, I open my journal, and I don't write down anything, because of my father. But I decide to write something in it today, and it say this:

" I had forget what it feels like to be me. I had lose some of my faith, but not all of them. I don't know what kept me going on, and kept fighting on, because there's this feeling that I had experienced before all of this. My father.....he hate me, because he thought that I can be hearing again, and keep that generation alive, and well he is wrong... I hope that my team out there can help me with remember all of this, cause he kept giving brainwashing medicine to me, and I hate it. I can't keep going on, and keep suffer under him."

I put my pen down, and close my journal, just look at stuffed black fur with red stripe wolf, and thinking...

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