Chapter Five: Hiding among the Clowns

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Primrose and Drake watched from the tents as Princess Anastasia rode away with the royal guards. Drake toughen up his stance and swung his bag to his side. He slightly bowed to Primrose and allowed her to show him the way. The old woman hobbled before him and they arrived to a color tent. Primrose opened the flap and entered before the boy. Drake had stopped for a moment as he saw the last traces of the royal guard leave. He snorted at them and followed Primrose into depths of the colorful tent.

Inside of the tent was filled with peculiarities of various shapes and sizes. The favorite item on display was many different types of ragdolls. One of them was made with a red heart on its chest. The little ragdoll had brown hair and button eyes. Its mouth was sown shut. Drake shuttered for a moment. There was something unsettling about the ragdoll collection in the room. Then he saw more of the calling cards of clowns. The funny big shoes were in neat rows and the outfits were hanging on hangers on racks. Voices were coming from the back side of the tent behind a curtain. The clowns themselves were not to be found right away as Primrose shouted out three names, "Lucky, Newegg, and Ozzy! I have a new clown for you."
From the calling out popped three people. The first was little person. She was no taller than a two year old. She had almond-shaped brown eyes with comically large glasses. The little woman had her long yellow hair in a tight bun. There were traces of her make-up being removed as her natural skin color appeared to be an off green. She scanned Drake with a critical eye. Her outfit was a simple blue silk robe and sandals. The little woman held out her hand, "They call me Lucky. I am the lead clown here. These are my fellow clowns Newegg and Ozzy."
At the mention of the name Newegg, the elegant woman step forward properly. With a grand bow and cheerful laugh Newegg had greeted him. Drake thought she looked like a prideful peacock with her color clothing. Her large amethysts color eyes flashed signs of distrust toward Drake. Newegg squared her shoulders of her voluptuous body. She nudged the very tall gentleman beside her. Drake could only assume this person was Ozzy. He joyously took Drake's hand and took it heartedly. His motions were free and quickly. Ozzy eyes were like two discs of wood. His short gray hair was slicked back as his warm smile was almost hidden behind his mustache. It was clear his makeup from the performance was wearing off, but yet his skin was white like bones. Drake bowed back.
"It is a pleasure to meet you," Newegg declared.
"Grand! Grand!" Lucky continued speaking, "Now you don't mind Ozzy. He is a mute. He is unable to talk. Isn't that right, my love?"
Lucky nudge Ozzy on the leg. The tall man shrugged and grinned. The little woman hugged his leg and spoke on, "And you are boy?"
"I am Drake," the boy offered.
"We are glad to have you with us, Drake. Our troop of clowns has been short lately. Not many like to work under an unusual boss as Sweet Pea. But you get use to her jokes and the shows. Then you find she is splendid to her people," Lucky grins.
"I will be off," Primrose waved, "Drake if you need anything ask Lucky. I leave you in good hands."
Drake moved the beaten up lute to his back. It had been his parting gift from the strange old man from the junk shop. Newegg crept forward to the boy. Her slender fingers reached out for the instrument. The boy raised out his hand to protect the object from being touched from the clown. He eyes reflected his disapproval of it being touched. Newegg drew back from fear of something. Drake's eyes soften. He knew what the junk shop owner warned him about it. The boy understood most of its purpose. But why were the circus folk off put by it... It would really work to his benefit he guessed. The Scarred Man told him he was the only one to touch the lute. Anyone else would be awfully sorry to do so.
Lucky walked over to Drake and tugged on his pants leg, "Boy, come along. My husband and I will see what you can do. I believe the practice ground is open. What special talents you got?"
"I can juggle," Drake answered shortly.  

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