Chapter Four: Detective Mary at the Circus

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The children came skipping and laughing along with the circus. Adults calmly went about the tents with their peanuts and drinks in hands. Gay music filled the air as Mary walked along the sidewalk. She looked up at the wide sign that read in bold red letters: A Fairy Joyous Circus for Everyone. It had a bunch of fairies hanging about the edges of the sign. Each fairy had a charming smile with tiny wings attached to them. A ton of balloons and flags framed the entrance to the circus. Mary peered up at the wide side and the chain linked fence surrounding the circus. The peaks of the yellow circus stood out against the cloudy morning. It was dazzling to say the least. The crowds continued to pass her by as they went into the grounds.

She nodded her head and walked along until she came to a ticket seller. The ticket seller was an old man in a powder blue suit. His old wrinkled face had a butterfly painted on it. At his side was the tickets for the show. He handed them out gingerly to everyone coming by and tossing him a coin. The ticket seller in his soft voice beckoned, "Come on in boys and girls of all ages! We have acts that will amaze you! Acts that will leave you breathless!"

Mary walked up to the ticket seller and showed him her badge. She watched the ticket seller expand his grin as address her, "Good day, Officer! Good day! Have you come to join us for the show today?"

"Not exactly, sir. I have come looking for two children," Mary pulled out the image of the twin children. Their father sat stiffly in the background without a somber smile.

The ticket seller narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth a bit. He pointed to the image and slowly said, "I won't lie those two were catch by the ringleader earlier stealing from the circus."

"Aw, I see," Mary placed the photo back into her pocket, "Well, please tell me where I may find the two children are. I will be happy to take them into my custody and inform their guardian about their misdeeds."

The ticket seller appeared a tad bit faint under his butterfly face paint. He paused for a moment to address the line behind Mary waiting to enter the big tent. Mary smiled politely as the ticket seller pointed to a hobbling old woman and a young boy. He said, "Go ask Primrose there. She is the right hand of the ringleader. She would know where those children are right now. I bet the ring leader gave them a good lecture and a good cup of milk."

Mary turned back to the crowd and then back to ticket seller. She waved good-bye and went after the old woman. Mary called out, "Excuse me, Miss Primrose."

Primrose picked up her head and studied the detective. The boy at her side pulled down his hat and folded his arm. Primrose warmly beamed, "Yes, how may I help you?"

"My name is Mary. I will with Kaito City Police Force. I am looking for two missing children. Yuki and Mika Fujiata who were reported sighted her by your ticket seller there," Mary flashed her badge and revealed the image of the children.

The old woman tapped the picture and nodded, "Awe, yes the two young would be thieves. Yes, I know where they are. Come along, Officer, I will get you them. You can take them on home now."

"Ah, very well," Mary grinned.

Primrose took the hand of the young boy at her side and whispered something to him. The boy in his roughed-up clothing and what appeared to be a bag with a lute turned kept his face hidden from Mary. The detective felt something was off. They had been walking along as a young girl with opulent crown and long purple lace dress came with a teddy bear in her arms. Her long brown hair was tied up with braids and ribbons. The young girl laughed as a teen boy caught up to her and took her arm. He was in a fine suit. The two of them were speaking in a tongue that Mary didn't know. The girl frowned for half a second and took the teenager's arm. Before the girl went, she beamed happily at Primrose and the boy. Mary raised an eyebrow.

Primrose and the boy quickened their pace and went on toward the back of the circus. There several trailers were out of the way. Primrose coughed as she showed Mary a violet colored trailer with the name Sweet Pea in bold curvy letters with flowers painted all over. Primrose pointed to the door, "They are inside of there. Just knock on the door. Ringleader Sweet Pea with answer you. I must get this young man over to make-up. He is needed for the second act."

"Thank you very much," Mary smiled as she knocked on the door.

Off the old woman hobbled and the young man went into the tents. Mary lifted her hand and knocked on the trailer door. Promptly ringleader with her slender hands opened the door. She was a tall pale woman with her crimson coat and shining boots. Her face was done up with glittering make-up that was shaped in little flames. Her fire red lips spread into a smile, "Hello, how may I help you?"

Mary revealed her badge. She opened her mouth to speak. But Sweet Pea pushed on ahead to talk, "Aw, an Officer. My name is Sweet Pea and welcome to my circus. I take it that someone has called you about the two children."

"Not exactly ma'am. I have come looking for them on behalf of their father," Mary said as she peered into the trailer. Two children sat upon a bed with cups of milk. They had their heads down and were whispering to each other. Mary continued, "I can take Mika and Yuki Fuijta back to their guardian. I can also take a written report about the event should you wish to press charges."

Sweet Pea frowned and talked a mile a minute, "No I would never seek to charge them with anything. No harm was done. Nothing was broken. I would recommend that you get them both looked at by a doctor. Poor things got hurt when they were trying to steal some of my belongings. Tsk, tsk. But we have talked about it and set things straight."

"I would like to take a moment to-" Mary begun.

But Sweet Pea heard the drumroll of the show. She shook her head and called the children, "Yuki and Mika come here. This officer will see you home. And remember what we talked about with stealing. It is never a good idea. Now pardon me, Officer. My show is about to begin!"

Off hurried Sweet Pea with a big grin. Mary walked in carefully passed the hurried ring leader. There was something all wrong here, but she could not make out what yet. Mary went over to the children. The boy, Yuki, with his jet-black hair looked up at Mary and scowled with one black eye and a puffy lip. The girl, Mika, had bandages on her ankles and a few buries on her wrist. Mika started to sweep loud, "I want to go to Father now!"

"I will take you home," Mary said softly. She studied them both, "What happened to you two? Did anyone hurt you?"

"We got hurt like this because of me," Yuki groaned.

"The fairies got mad at us and casted spells on us!" Mika cried.

"Hush," Yuki snapped, "There was no spells or fairies. We just got hurt by a bunch of stuff falling on us. I tried to take something that isn't mine. That is it."

"I want to go home!" Mika cried once more.

"I will take you home. Your father has sent me to look for you," Mary quietly said as she offered out her hands to the children. She could get a written statement at their home. There was no reason why to keep pressing them here. Mary smiled as Mika took her hand and hurried off the bed. She put away her cup on a counter. Yuki on the other hand was smug and he left his cup on the bed and went along with Mary. 

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