|60|~Its Time to Act ~

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Nicklaus POV.

Commander Vlad drives away with my unconscious beloved after Xander snapped her neck. It may have been a little harsh, but it is what it is. We are all aware that there shall be hell to pay when she awakes, something I'm willing to deal with. Claire's safety will always come first, even if I've got to save her from herself. Fuck whoever has a problem with it.

We are now standing in the middle of the soon-to-be crimson‑stained field, which is directly behind my estate. My men are spread out in a protective circle all around us. Xander, Cloven, and Marcellus are standing close behind me. The crisp winter night air is filled with bloody promises. There is a wicked chill in the wind. The moon is shining, gleaming, and reflecting off the blanket of white snow. Dogs running through the frozen forest are the only sound that meets my sensitive ears. The wolves are now less than one minute away. Apparently, we have underestimated this group of mutts again.

I will not make the same mistake twice! This is the last night the Northern Pack will see.

"It's cute that the queen believes she can train her pets," says Marcellus from behind me.

"Shut up, Marcellus," responds Xander.

"You know how pissed she is going to be when she wakes up."

"Shut up, Marcellus," Cloven chimes in.

"He's going to have blue balls for centuries,"

"Shut up, Marcellus!" I finally snap.

He's a fucking nuisance at times. Leave it to him to joke at a time like this.

The group of dogs slowly present themselves. We are gravely outnumbered. They are spread out amongst the borderline of the forest. Most of them have shifted into their beast forms. Their growls of anger and howls of encouragement ring loudly into the midnight sky. Their anticipation to die is remarkable.

Scarlet clouds my vision as the pet Alpha and mutt Beta come into view. My hands grip tightly around my silver pistol, ready to shoot.

The Alpha wastes no time and walks into the center of the field. He is still in his human form. His eyes are glowing golden. His chest rises and falls. The puppy is obviously in deep anger.

"King Nicklaus," the pet Alpha speaks, "where the fuck is my mate?"

Oh yes, the queen dog bitch.

I walk through the protective circle of my men. And without order, they step aside. Within a second, I'm in front of the pet Alpha. "Ask my dick," I tell him, smiling ear to ear.

He attacks.

* * *


My eyes pop open. My neck, back, and head are killing me. I groan as I lift up my head. My eyes scan the confined area only to be met by a black‑tinted glass. I'm in the back seat of the truck speeding like a bat out of hell. Instantly, I realize which member of the bat family is driving. But it does take me a little over a second to realize how I get placed into the back seat in the first place. That's when it all goes red.

"Stop the car!" I yell, kicking the window that separates me from the front of the car.

Commander Vlad doesn't respond. He increases the speed like that's going to save him.

My vision floods blood, my entire body on fire. The constant disrespect from my guard, most-trusted advisor, and my own beloved is intolerable. Untamable fury takes over, and all I can see is red. The familiar power of the emerald starts to tingle. It squeezes around my neck and takes the air out of my lungs. My skin prickles, my heart pounds rapidly, and my neck suddenly itches.

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