|53|~Time To Think~

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Claire's POV.

Nicklaus left me in our room about ten minutes ago to handle some official vampire business, leaving me bored out of my mind. Well, Mr. Meany is here too. He is watching me like a guard dog. This is nothing new, besides the fact that his sidekick is missing. Now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't really seen her around, which is odd. He wouldn't have a sidekick without someone actually hanging at his side.

"Where is Astrid?" I ask him.

He responds with a stony stare. He doesn't respond at all, and his face doesn't give anything away. I'm just about to crack one of my legendary vampire jokes when someone knocks on the door. The smell of sugary, buttery syrup invades my nostrils.


I jump off the bed and answer the door quicker than Mr. Meany can blink. Actually, he never blinks, but you get the picture. The human girl who collected my blood five minutes ago walks in with a tray full of pancakes drenched in warm and thick maple syrup.

My mouth starts to water. I have to restrain myself from kissing her. The cooks told us that we were out of the ingredients to make pancakes, which was nerve-wracking as hell. I can't live without pancakes. Just check my record. I'm willing to die for this sugary breakfast cake.

After I give her a polite thank you, I dive right in with no remorse. Mr. Meany just watches me devour my food like a starved girl. Of course, he doesn't show what is inside his head, not that he needs to. But it's obvious he thinks I'm behaving like a pig. I can see the judgment in his mean big eyes.

Oh well, I think he behaves like a gorilla twenty-four seven. Whatever, I'm not judging.

Once I finish eating the best creation in the entire world, I lick the syrup off my fingers and place the empty plate down on the nightstand. My eyes scan the room, searching for something to do. Unfortunately, I find nothing. Boredom strikes once again.

What's a girl to do when there's nothing else to do?

An idea pops into my head, and it smells just as good as the pancakes I've tasted: Embry. I love her natural scent, not in a creepy way, like I'm sure it sounds. It's more like "the best perfume in the world" type of way that you want to spray back on your body the moment the fragrance stops lingering on your skin. I know it's weird, but that girl really does smell that good.

Gosh, I need to behave myself. We wouldn't want to place me on my own jeepers-creepers list, now would we? No, I wouldn't, but I really like her scent. Plus, she seems nice. I can't believe that King Cyrus is her beloved. It's ironic because he's the barbaric king that wolves hate with a passion. And she's the strange, not‑so‑crazy she-wolf. It's really, really ironic, considering the fact that she's an angel, and he's the devil's son.

Welp, I really don't have any room to speak. I'm a human who happens to be the beloved of and bonded of the king of all vampire kings, who is most certainly the devil, so this kind of makes me the devil's wife? Well, actually, that makes me the queen of all vampire kings, I think.

I break into a fit of laughter inside my head. Now I know I used that queen bullcrap when I wanted my way with Nicklaus, but I'm far from anybody's queen. Who would take me seriously?

Claire the Queen of All Vampire Kings. Claire the Queen of All Leeches. Claire the Queen of All Bloodthirsty Monsters. Claire the Queen.

Hahaha. I wouldn't dare to say that out loud. They would hang me and then hang themselves just because they lived to see the day that a human would so boldly state that she's their queen. Oh, I'm going to say it out loud just to get under Mr. Meany's skin. Okay, I'm officially bored to death. Hahaha. Bored to death, get it?

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