|49|~ His side ~

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Claire POV.

 My mind goes completely blank. I lost the connection. My human body could no longer endure the pain. Disappointment consumes me whole, but I need to be stronger.

Xander told me that he would give me Nicklaus's blood the moment my body broke down. His directions were crystal clear. I had to drink every drop that he would provide.

That's exactly why I gulp down the substance the moment I feel the cup placed onto my lips. His blood is actually quite tasty, but I refuse to admit that out loud. It's just too creepy.

My eyes flash open the moment I swallow the last drop. I can feel his blood regenerating every inch of my body, and I'm completely refreshed.

Xander's stunning silver eyes come into view. It's just us. He most likely demanded the others to leave so that he can concentrate on aiding me through the connection. I lost track of what was going on around me when I officially entered Nicklaus's mind. He tried his best to keep me out, but I refused to give up. I was going to break through the threshold even if doing it cost me my life.

Xander warned me to back down. He uttered things like I had a death wish and how repulsive I was acting.

Oh well, I used Xander's own words against him (nobody likes a quitter) right before Nicklaus granted me access to his mind.

The last thing I remember hearing from Xander was a growl when our minds departed from each other. His appearance says he is in a better mood, but his tone tells another story.

"Are you okay," he asks.

"Just peachy."

"Good, because you were seconds away from losing your life!" he roars, now with crimson-red eyes.

I shrug, adding fuel to an already filled tank.

Xander smashes the chair beside me, causing tiny pieces of wood to fly around the room. "Do you have any idea what would have happened if you had died? How reckless could one be?"

I stand to my feet. "Nicklaus left me no choice. He was going to kill Mecca. What was I supposed to do?" Surely you didn't expect me to just let her die."

"That's exactly what you should have done," he tells, making his way back over to me in a flash.

"If I knew she was the reason your mind attempting to reach out to him, I would have never provided you with instructions to reach him."

"Welp, you did," I tell him, crossing my arms.

"I instructed you to pull back the moment you felt even the slightest bit of pain, but you didn't follow that direction, now did you?" he asks a pointless question.

Duh, it's obvious I didn't or I would have never broken through.

Xander moves back over towards the couch and smashes a lamp into the window—extremely pissed—but I know he will never hurt me.

Mr. Meany rushes into the room the exact moment the glass shatters. The air whooshes around me, making me light-headed. Abruptly, the room stops spinning, and my eyes zero in on the place I was previously standing. Tiny pieces of glass are scattered in that exact spot.

"You're nothing but a weak-minded human."

Xander's voice regains my attention.

"Of course you can't follow simple instructions," he adds.

The air is knocked out of my lungs, and the world shifts around me. Tremendous pain pierces straight through my heart as soon as he finishes his sentence. He then zooms out of the room before I can respond. My breath catches in my throat, my vision blurring. Typically no one's harsh words about me being human can hurt me, but Xander's words cut me deeper than glass could ever do.

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat