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I laid on the floor in front of the couch, Nat had eventually shoved her feet under Clint's thighs after her toes had dried.

I don't think Steve had paid any attention to the show though, he hadn't looked up from the sketch book in the last two hours.

I wanted to see what he was drawing, but I wasn't allowed on the couch.

I rose into a sitting position and out my head on the couch next to Steve's knee, he'd long since shifted into a cross-legged position.

I stared up at him with, what Clint called, the puppy eyes.

Steve seemed to into his drawing to notice me.

Nat reached over and scratched between my ears, I let my tail thump against the floor.

That seemed to get Steve's attention as he looked up. "Oh, hey buddy," he greeted as he used his other hand to rub behind my ear.

The thumping got louder.

I got a peek at his drawing when he leaned forward a bit more, it was of a man with short hair in some sort of uniform. I didn't recognize him.

Steve scooted over so he was pressed against the side of the couch before he patted the seat he'd moved from.

Was I allowed on the couch?

I looked at Nat as I put my front paw on the seat, she rolled her eyes and went back to watching the show.

I took that as permission, so I heaved myself onto the couch to lay down curled up in a ball so I wouldn't squish anyone.

Steve gave my head a few more rubs before he went back to sketching.

The view of the TV was much better on the couch than on the floor.

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