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I felt a little woozy after the woman had put a needle in my foreleg, but that seemed to all go away when Nat walked in the room.

"He's a little sedated, but he should be fine. I want him to take these antibiotics when you feed him incase there's a hint of infection, but other than that he's good to go." The woman told Nat as she closed the door behind her and the man from before.

"Clint, you're carrying him to the car," Nat announced as she took the small bottle from the woman.

The man, Clint I assumed, groaned a bit before unclipping the muzzle and picking me up.

I whined, it echoed a bit in the clear plastic cone they'd put around my neck.

"I also recommend getting him a collar soon," the woman added as Nat handed another woman behind a desk a plastic card.

It took less than a minute for us to be out the door after that.
Nat opened the back door for Clint, who set me on the back seat. Nat got in the front seat and Clint drove.

It didn't take long for Clint to park the car, Nat scrolled on her phone for the entire car ride.

Nat was the first one out of the car and leaned against the hood as Clint got me out.

"Let's get him upstairs so I can finish ordering his stuff," Nat ordered as she walked into the elevator.

Clint wasn't far behind.

Nat was scrolling back on through her phone while the elevator rose, but this time I could see what she was doing.

It looked like she was scrolling through collars, was she going to keep me? The thought was mixed with anxiety and hope. What if she put me back in the fights? What if she didn't? What if she just ignored me all together?

I hadn't noticed until Nat started rubbing my head, but I'd started whining again.

"I think he should go in your spare room," Clint suggested as the doors opened.

Nat nodded her head, "I'll make a pallet for him," and with that she walked ahead.

She left the door to the room she's entered open and by the time Clint got there, there were a bunch of blankets on the floor.

"Put him here and I'll come check on him later," Nat ordered.

Clint set me down on the blanket pile, giving my head a rub.

I stared up at Clint when Nat disappeared into a bathroom that was attached to the room, returning with a tall bowl full of water.

The bowl of water was promptly set beside the blankets I was on.

Nat and Clint both gave me one last pet before they left the room, closing the door quietly behind them.

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