Chapter 13

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Hey guys!! So here's chapter 13~ It's super duper short so I'm REALLY SORRY

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Sorry for any mistakes!



Chapter 13

        I jumped slightly when a thin sheet of paper was shoved into my face, the tiny words to close to my eyes to read. "W-what?"

        "Sorry." Rex chuckled as he leaned against the locker beside me, the piece of paper clutched firmly in his hands.

        "What is that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I put my science book in my locker.

        "This, is my new schedule." I narrowed my eyes in confusion as he passed the paper to my hands. He still had the same third period but his fourth was switched to driver's ed and his sixth was now history, like mine.

        "But you already have your license..." I blinked up at him but he just gave me a small, sly, smile and took the paper back.

        "They don't know that, and I know they switched your classes around for it... I thought it was the perfect opportunity to have some fun." He smirked, and although the sight of it turned my stomach to goo, it unnerved me.

        Rex's version of "fun" was vandalizing half of downtown's stripmall's shops in one night. I didn't want to think about what he was planning on doing.

        He laughed at my expression once I closed my locker and turned to face him. "Don't give me that look Roza." He teased as he slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to his side.

        "You're not going to do anything that will get you in trouble, are you?" I asked quietly as he tugged me down the hall, oblivious to all the gawking students staring at us with wide eyes.

        He didn't answer, he didn't even give any hand gesture as an answer he just gave me a small smile and pulled me closer to him as we walked to my first period. And despite how close we were, how warm and safe Rex made me feel, I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

        First and second period went by as usual and third period had gone by smoothly too, except when Rex left early near the end. "I'll see you in fourth." He whispered in my ear with a dark twinkle in his eyes as he packed up his stuff and left. The teacher didn't bother stopping him.

        I tried not to let the sneaky look in his gaze bother me, but I knew not to trust that dark twinkle that made my stomach flip.

        Rex was leaning against the Driver's Ed car when I walked out into the school's parking lot, spinning what looked like a pocket knife in his hands, something close to a smirk breaching his lips.

        "What's that look for?" I raised my eyebrows as his devious expression only grew, but he didn't answer.

        His eyes just gave me a slow once over, but not in the way Jason does. He looked at me like he had for the past couple of days whenever we've been apart, kind of like he was making sure I didn't have any injuries from the short amount of time we've been separated.

        When he was satisfied there was nothing wrong he sent me a smile so faint and small I would have missed it if I wasn't looking. "I've told you I like it when you smile, right?" My voice was airy as I stared at his lips in a daze. He didn't say anything and he didn't smile but his eyes flashed in something close to adoration and I knew he was content.

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