Chapter 12

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UPDATED/EDITED: This chapter has been fixed, but like always if you still see any mistakes don't hesitate to let me know!



Chapter 12

       "What's your- favorite color?" Rex's dark voice rumbled in my ear later that afternoon as we lay sprawled out across my bed.

       I tried not to make it too obvious that I kept gravitating towards his firm chest the entire time, but I was never good at hiding my actions. It got so bad that he finally just chuckled and pulled me against him until his hard torso was the perfect pillow under my head. I had blushed like crazy and buried my face in his shirt.

       "Um- blue. What's yours?"

       We had been playing twenty questions over and over since he brought me home from school, and I couldn't have been happier. Especially since he laid down on my bed beside me. Even though, I did kind-of yank on his hand until he fell- But that's not the important part.

       He paused before answering, his chest tensing slightly as the hand I was holding tightened its grip. "Green." His voice was soft, hesitant even as the warmth of his breath caressed my ear.

       "Really? Why?" It wasn't an uncommon color to like- I knew that, but for Rex I found it so- plain. I expected something darker like grey, or exotic like red. Green was just so- normal. I tilted my head just enough to glance up at him, but his warm chestnut eyes were already staring down at me. My heart skipped a beat. The way his gaze stayed unwavering on mine made my stomach flip.

       His free hand reached up and stroked his thumb over my cheek, his captivating gaze unwavering. I gulped. In that very moment, I realized this was what true happiness felt like. I knew that from there on out, whenever I thought about being happy I would think about that moment- being with Rex and in his arms.

       But all too soon he tore his gaze away from mine and looked out at the room, but his thumb continued to gently trace the curve of my jaw. "It just is." That was all he said, and for some reason something told me not to push the subject.

       "Hey, Rex?"


       "You're not going to get in trouble, are you?" I asked softly as I brought my gaze back down to our fingers. I couldn't stop thinking about that afternoon, about the interaction with Jason and his father. It wasn't just the fact that I stood up for Rex, but that whole situation just made me want to hurl.

       "For what?" His voice was gruff, but his touch was gentle as his thumb rubbed slowly against my skin.

       "For the thing with Jason."

       He let out a heavy sigh before bringing his dark gaze to the ceiling. "No Rose, I won't. Stop worrying about it, okay?"


       "No buts, just stop thinking about it. There's nothing that prick or his fucktard of a father can do to me. He forced himself on you and I was simply being a helpful citizen by stopping him." He snorted at the last part and I felt a small smile pull at my lips.

       "Helpful citizen..." I tested the words on my tongue, but for some reason they just didn't sit right when it came to Rex.

       "I'll never let anyone hurt you Roza, ever."

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