Chapter 30

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I'm sorry for editing and grammar mistakes!

P.s. This chapter is long as hell.


Chapter 30

Rex and I were sitting on the steps of Trey's porch as Mrs. Maguire fussed over the badly beaten Denton, and fumed venomously at Trey all at the same time. Turns out it was his mom who had called the cops and told them she thought something was wrong. She gave them the street name Lainy had gave me, and apparently they knew what she was talking about right away.

I was grateful really. I had no idea what would have happened if they didn't show up and threw everything into chaos. Trey would probably never have been able to knock out Santiago and we would honestly probably still be stuck in that awful place.

I glanced over at a silent Rex who had his hands clasped together between his knees with his head bent low. His side was pressed firmly against mine and I let that comfort me as he sat quietly thinking. I didn't know what was going through his head. Last time I had ran after him he was furious, but now he just seemed... tired.

Then again, last time I didn't go crazy and hold a gun up to his dad's head.

"What are you thinking, Roza?" He asked a moment later as Mrs. Maguire's shouts finally began to calm down.

There was a moment of silence between us as I ran my hand through my hair and stared at the steps below us.

"Why aren't you... are you mad at me?" I asked softly as I rested my head against the railing. He let out a heavy sigh before he laid his head on his fist and turned to face me.

"I'm fucking furious, but at you? No. Just confused... and worried." I dropped my eyes to my lap as his other hand came up and gently brushed my arm.

"It's just that you were mad last time I ran after you..."

"Well that I am mad at."

His tone was dark and the grip he had on my arm tightened, but when I peeked up at him the odd ball was giving me a small smile. "But I saved you." I muttered softly as I lifted the side of my lips in a small smile and reached over to poke him in his side. His eyes lit up. He grabbed onto my finger as I began to pull away, and brought my hand up to his lips instead.

"That you did Roza." He murmured before he pressed his lips to the back of my hand, lips that had been on mine not five hours earlier. "But remember what I said? It's my job to protect you, and what you did tonight was very stupid." He scolded me like I was a child, and even though it was better than him yelling I still frowned.

"He's was going to kill you, Rex. You were going to leave me, and you can't expect-" I felt tears of frustration breech my eyes as I struggled to get the words out. Rex's dark chestnut orbs snapped over to me in worry as I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "You can't expect me to just sit around and do nothing, when I know something is wrong. You were crying Rex. You never cry, ever. That's my job. And then you... then you just disappeared."

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