The beast is destroyed (6)

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"Maybe I don't act the way I used to because I don't feel the same about you. In fact that's a lie. I want you."


7 hours 21 minutes and 46.... now 47 seconds.

I inhaled deeply. The smell of ethyl, chemical hit my nostrils, making me cringe back in my seat.

We were at the hospital. After the incident I got him help. They flew us over back to New York... to the same hospital his usual doctor was.

My palms were sweating from the angst running through my body. I couldn't breathe properly.

7 hours and still no news. I looked up checking the clock one more time 7 hours 22 minutes and 46 seconds.

If I check it one more time I might go crazy. Maybe I'm already... am I mad yet?

The people walking pass me, over and over again gave me some sort of hopelessness tangled with desperate faith.

Faith in him.

In us.

I was tired. No, exhausted. But I didn't let myself go to sleep. My whole body was battling the sleepiness.

     I have to know you are okay.

Some friendly nurse offered me water, but the only thing I could swallow was my own saliva.

I looked in front of me, staring at the same white, more beige like wall which was covered in some medical flyers.

I have been rereading the same flyer about the sizes of  women's breasts for hours.

     "Mrs. William", a voice louded in front of me.

My head snapped to the right. A man around his 40's stood in his white doctor uniform. He had those kind blue eyes which were comforting. His aura was relaxing.... for a moment until I finally got back to my senses.

    He must be Mason's doctor.

   "I'm doctor James Dolskin", he said in a plummy voice. He put his hand out which I shook after coming to my senses.

    "Faye Jacks- I... Euh, William", I flap out tremulous.

      "You must be the infamous girl I have heard of", he snickered, making him look brighter than his age.

I bit my cheek, looking back at the women's breasts flyer.

He clears his throat before going into depth of this whole situation.

     "Your husband is still unconscious. It could take days perhaps weeks before he wakes up."

My heart dropped. I turned my head back to look at him, indicating that he could go further.

      "We don't know the causes to what happened for him to lose his consciousness so abruptly."

I felt my heartbeat in my palms, making me clutch my hands into a tight fist.

      "From what I know, the cause could be from being undernourished, dehydration or exhaustion and fatigue from the lack of sleep."

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