Does it upset you? (11)

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"It is in the silent of the nature where one will find true bliss."


"Please, Mason", I beg him with all my might.

"No, princess. You can't do that", he responds, sighing deeply.

After we ate in his restaurant, we finally were in his office and me being me didn't want to have one more day of doing nothing.

"I want to work, please. Let me do something", I ask while trying to imitate my best pout face.

It seems to work, because his eyes are flooding in with consideration. His face softens and he lets out a shaky breath before speaking up:"okay, princess. You can work, but if I see you stress out once then you go back to just sitting pretty behind that desk of yours."

My eyes immediately lit up. Jumping up, my arms surround his neck. I think I took him by surprise because I hear a gasp coming out his mouth.

Now that I think about it I probably look like a monkey hanging around his neck.

    "Thank you. Thank you, Mason", I whisper sweetly in his ear.

I want to let go, but before I could do that he encircles his arm tightly around my waist.

His mouth comes down to my neck. I feel his minty breath fanning on the crook of my neck, making it tingle.

I'm very ticklish and start to chuckle slightly, trying to hold my snorting in. I close my eyes, trying to think about something else so I would not snort hysterically.

I'm completely caught of guard when he places a soft kiss on the crook of my neck. I'm turning red again.

    Blood can't you just stay where you are!

Mason's eyes look up, meeting my green ones. When he perceives the blush on my cheeks, he eyes contently.

    Dude, you need to stop.

    Can you guess what he did next?

    Can you?

He hides his face back in my neck and this time his lips rests longer on my neck. I start to struggle from his grip, but he only tightens it, making it impossible for me to escape.

    Too much boy.

He finally lets me go after 2 whole minutes. Before someone could even yell 'Bertha', I was already fasting to my desk.

Nah, Imma not ready for another 2 minutes.

"Can you make me your precious coffee from yesterday, princess?", Mason asks his voice laced with hope.

As if I could say no to my boss.

I stand up, going straight to the door so I could get to the 26th floor, but before I could even make it outside a loud voice speaks up.

"Where are you going, princess?", he utters his voice laced with concern.

Are you real, dude?

"I'm going to make your coffee", I respond in the most annoying duh-voice.

"Don't need to go outside. There is a coffee machine", he says with a slight smug.

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