I'm shook, they shook (33)

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"Don't ruin other people happiness just because you can't find your own."


I wake up by sloppy kisses peppering all over my face, making me purr and whimper in delight. Two warm arms were wrapped around my whole frame, making me drown in a pool of my own sweat.

I was suffocating from the heat.

    "Good morning, my beautiful princess", a husky voice mutters against my throat, nipping on the flesh.

My eyelids open up, one by one, setting on the breathtaking beast who's cherishing me in his muscular arms.

The air stills for a moment. All life around me seemed lost.

Our eyes bored into each other's, trying to read all the unknown mysteries lying behind those mesmerizing orbs.

I found my breath hitching in the back of my throat.

If this was a dream, I would never want to wake up every again.

My hands reach out without any of my consent, tracing a line on his unshaven cheekbone. The tiny stubbles tickled my hand, making me giggle softly.

His metallic grey eyes soften. The grey flood was frisking in an elegant way around the onyx pupil which was growing in pure amore.

A swell grows in my chest, taking all place in, tightening my thorax.

"You need to shave", I finally murmur under my breath, shrunking my nose in distaste.

I shift my attention to the tiny stubbles covering his face, caressing them with the palm of my hand.

The corner of his lips curve up into a tired grin. He still looked sleepy, making my heart flutter from the cuteness. He rubs his eyes, yawning softly.

"You don't like this?", he questioned on a husky morning voice, placing his hand over mine.

I shake my head in utter disfavour, mouthing a quiet: "no".

"Too bad", he gushes, pinching my nose softly.

A frustrated groan left my mouth, a frown settling between my brows.

Why did he make me feel like an infant, a tiny, fragile doll perhaps a princess.

"You didn't want to sleep in my bed last night. I'm also going against your demand as revenge", he wiggles his brow in amuse, looking like a playful bad boy.

     No shit, m'boy.

I'm never sleeping in that bed again.

I remember seeing a stain a couple of weeks ago. I never thought of anything, but it was his...


"Okay, I guess you're going to sleep back in YOUR bed tonight and I'm sleeping ALONE in this guest bedroom", I declare on a steady tone, no trace of amuse could be heard in my voice.

His eyes widen in shock, his mouth falls open before realisation comes down to him.

     "You play dirty", he implies, narrowing his eyes.

I can only grin wickedly, biting softly in the smooth flesh of his arms.

"I'm a bad girl", I blurt out, winking softly.

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