Chapter 23-Snakey Pants

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There, right in front of us, was a HUGE  snake skin that was staring at my face.  Myrtle seeing it immediately fainted with a screech, and Sir Nick startled before retaining his calm.  I.. decided to cut through the tension the air with a joke.

"So I guess that we found us a snaky pants."

The tension was cut.  Myrtle after chuckleling at my joke dragged Sir Nick away, leaving me all alone in a tunnel with (a probably) dead snake.  What am I going to do now?

What kind of snake can be that long?  I need help, and I know just who to ask...

~ (unspecified time later)

Astronomy class by far is my favorite class with Mrs. Sinistra.  She is really nice.  We often drink hot cocoa together during our classes as already have all the starts memerized, and learning the magical meaning behind them was really easy.  According to her I would be ready to take my OWLS as early as the end of this year, if I wanted.  Hanging out with Aurora has become one of my highlights of my week.

Over time I have bonded with almost all of my professeurs (all but Lockheart)

AN: Side story at the end for how Danny bonded with Snape (and dealt with his 'mysterious' result) if I get at least 5 comments asking for it here.

Edit:  This has now been added (thank you everyone for your support)

Here it is!

Snape and Danny become friends-ish

I was in potions class, working on the potion of the day (aging Potion) when Professor Snape started 'interrogating' me about my peculiar result from my last potion.

"So, Work, do you know why your potion glowed when it was finished?"

"I accidentally did something wrong?" I replied honestly.

"Yes, I thought that that was already established. So . What. Did. You. Do?"

"I don't know!" I replied.

"What do you mean you don't know."

"I mean that I am not a potions master and am just a beginner after all."

"It's good to see that you aren't like most of the dunderheads that I have to teach."

"So why are you teaching if you obviously don't like it?"


"Well, Potions Master Snape?"

"Don't think I don't know what you are doing here Mr. Work."

"Well obviously, I would be worried if you didn't, Mr. Master Spy."

"How did you know that?"

"I know a lot of things."

"What kind of things?"

"If you get to know me better, I just might share."

"What do you want, Mr. Work?"

"Firstly call me Daniel, Mr. Work sounds too formal."

"Ok what else?"

"Teach me to become a Potions Master just like you."

"Why? Most young Dunderheads prefer the more active and 'fun' classes that use wands like Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, or Transfiguration."

"Because Potions are useful and fun. Like in your opening speech you made I can see the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes. I want to know the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins. I want to learn how to bewitching the mind and ensnare the senses. I want to learn from you how to bottle fame, or even brew glory. I want you to teach me all you can, I want to be able to proudly call me your student."

"..." Professor Snape was for one of the first times of his life, speechless.

"So would you be my teacher, and maybe my friend?"

"I'm already getting paid to be your teacher, not you better move onto the next step before your potion is burned and unusable."

"Got it Professor Snape!" I replied and happily got back to my potion (and noticed the slight changes he made to the recipe on the board to make it better -I later took those changes and made note of them in my textbook)


4 (ish) weeks after discovering the snakey pants

Gahh!  Why can't I gather the courage to ask 'Mione about that snake?

How am I going to describe how I found it when she asks?  What if she says, 'Sorry my school work is more important, I don't have to research something extra'.  Or if she says, 'Never heard of such a big snake, I bet your exaggerating', or what if I accidentally kill her, or what if she looks down at me for supposedly being raised in the wizard world and not knowing what it was.  What if I accidentally start killing Harry, if he's with her?  And if she is with him, how am I going to justify wanting to ask it to her alone with out explaining that I was worried about killing her by hanging out with her?

I need help, but I can't really ask Clockwork or Merlin, every time I've tried to bring it up during our now daily meetings/training sessions, they just avoid the topic by changing it or straight out ignoring my questions.  Clockwork won't even drop me a helpful hint like he usually does, riddle, note,  or otherwise.

How am I going to do this?

Just ask her idiot

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