Chapter 13- Dealing with Hermione

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Her eyes stared at me in shock, oh rings of fire, why?  Why was she here?  Sighing, I raigned in my anger, how could I explain this?

"What was that?"  Hermione asked racing towards me.

"uh... Magic?"  I hesitantly reply

"Since when was there a matter manipulating spell?"

"I don't know, umm, through this wall is my dorm, though."


"Wanna see it?" Her pursuit of answers would be settled if I could get her through the wall.

"See what?

"My common room."

"I'm not allowed in."


"I'm not in your house."

"Why should that stop you?"


"Follow me!" I yell, pulling her through the wall as she screams. (going through walls always felt  wierd to people who were fully alive -Sam and Tucker can testify)

As soon as we pass through the wall she stares in wonder at my common room, saying, "This is nothing like the Griffindor common room. This is amazing!"

Suddenly the pain from before strarted raisng at an exelerated rate (shooting up close to an 8.5) Gasping in pain, I say it is late and help her through the wall before I, myself crash onto the floor unconscious.


"Young, Daniel, all will be understood in good time and Im sorry for that you will have to go through, but sadly, all is as it should be." ⏱️


Ouch, did anyone get the license plate of the truck that hit me? Sitting up on the floor, I decided to meditate, and clear my head of the pain and sores from sleeping on the floor.

After a good few hours of clearing my head... and accidentally falling asleep (again), it was time for breakfast.  Even though my head still hurt, I changed into my robes and exited my dorm heading for the Great Hall.  I was almost there went I was stopped by a ghost, who introduced himself as Sir Nicholas (that's Nearly Headless Nick for the people who don't know.)  He asked me about Sir Nightwing and if I had seen him yet, which reminded me I still had him in the thermos.  Face palming, I released him and let them catch up.  When they noticed me start to walk away they asked, aren't you going to eat with us?

"Um... Shouldn't I eat with the other students?" I asked in responce.

"No, Sir Phantom, you eat with us, we have lots of ecto-food, that is good for you." Sir Nick replied

"How do you know about my status?"

"For one, your house, and two your pretty famous not only for defeating Pariah Dark, but also for being Death's first apprentice, also you have the eyes of a warrior, which gives you away as not many people have eyes like that at such a young age."  Sir Nick replied with a laugh.

"Oh, well then, lead the way."  I was kind of surprised at all he knew about me, but I guess if you defeat the last king in battle your name does become one to gossip about.

Sir Nick nodded, floated through the hallways with me and Sir Nightwing fast behind. I followed a curious smile gracing my lips. 

Following them through a wall I was surprised to see a huge banquet table filled up with many different breakfast foods commonly found in the Ghost Zone. 


After eating my fill of ecto-fruit, I left the Ghost's Eating Hall (I'm going to call it the GEH from now on). I went into the Great Hall to get my schedule.  The second I entered the hall, all voices silenced leaving me to feel kind of uncomfortable as I walked up to the empty table for my house for my schedule.  It was sealed in an envelope with the Hogwarts wax seal on it.  Grabbing it and promptly leaving , the second the doors closed behind me, I could heard whispers erupt talking about me and my mysteriousness and what my house could represent and why I was seperated.

After an hour it was time for the first official class this year at Hogwarts.   Looking at my schedule I saw that my first class was Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA).  Going to the classroom I was surprised to find it empty.  Looking up at the teacher I was surprised to see him with a shocked look on his face. 

"What are you doing here?  Are you here for my autograph?" He asked.

I do not own HP or DP.

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now