Chapter 9-The Risks of being Me

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Oh, I'm screwed.

"So Phantom, care to explain to me how you already have so much power, that you started absorbing the boy's soul without putting your hand out, that is some very tricky stuff, how are you able to do that in under a week of getting your Death powers?" Death practically screamed at me. 

Although she  isn't angry at me for dealing with it all, I could pratically feel the waves of her anger radiating across the room, so knowing that this battle was already lost I made a portal and flew through it before she could even blink.
Once I slowed down I realized that me running away was most likely the wrong thing to do, well there is nothing I can do about that now. Walking up to the door I remembered that tomorrow I am going on the train to Hogwarts.

I rang the door bell expecting for Hermione to open it because her parents were probably still at the office removing wisdom teeth or something (as they were dentists), but I was shocked to see that Mrs. Granger was the one to open the door for me. But what shocked me even more was that I could feel this soul beating and skipping in my presence, like it was fearful of something... Me. Her soul is scared of me... Why? Maybe because my Death powers are growing at a fast pace.  Could she feel them?  But then why are they growing so fast? Even Death seemed surprised at my growth rate.  I started twiddling my thumbs when I remembered, I was wearing the Ring Of Rage! It rises one's powers, even more so with the crown. I looked at the ring and decided to blame all my problems on it (it is easier that way). Sighing as Mrs. Granger told me it was dinner time I went to the table for dinner.

When I had finished washing the dishes with Mrs. Granger, I could still feel her fear.  Why was she scared of me?  Although now that I'm thinking about it, everyone seemed to also have the aura of fear around them.

"Danny please join us at the table we want to talk as we are leaving tomorrow." Hermione called

"Ok"  I replied moving back to the dinning room, and taking my seat.  As we waited for Mrs.Granger I could tell that they were nevous.  

When Mrs.Granger took her seat she spoke, "So Danny, I going to cut to the chase, I think that you need help."


"You seem to show signs of mental instability, and depression which is normal for those in your situation, but I want you to know that even when you are far from here, we will always have our arms open and welcome you back here.  Right, honey?"

"Right"  Mr. Granger begudgingly replied

After that Hermione then gave me another long speach which really reminded me of Jazz, before we started playing board games together like 1 big family (an example of a game that we played being UPWords). 

I woke up at around 2am to screaming, my hero-complex driving me forward, I rushed towards the source, Hermione's room. Her parents were still asleep, so I decided to shake her awake. "It's ok, your safe now. That was a dream." I said once she woke up.
She stared at me a moment and blushed saying, "Thanks for waking me up, but that dream... it felt so... so... real."

"What happened in the dream? If you don't mind me asking." I asked worry laced in my tone, stroking her head trying to help her calm down.

"No I don't mind I was dreaming of... events from last year." After a moment of complete silence I decided it was ok to ask her a question as her breathing had evened out.

"So, what happened last year?"

"My friends almost died, a teacher Proffer Quarill (sorry I cant spell) turned out to be evil and tried to kill Harry, exept in my dream he succeeded and the my friend Ron died in the trials."

"Well, I'll be there for you for now on, so there is no need to fear for yourself or your friends, I'll protect you."  I smile at her.

"Thanks, but there was another part to my nightmare... One with you in it."

"Oh? Well what was my role in your nightmare? The way you said it implies that I was not a good guy."

"That's because you weren't. I don't know what you were doing, but you had you hand held out and it was like... like you were killing me, draining my very soul right out of me."  She shuttered.

"Oh." I said deciding that I needed to say more I said, "Well, you do know that I would never kill you, right?"

"Yea, of course I do."



"Ok, well see you for breakfast?"


"Oh, and if you were to ever need to talk to someone, or need someone to hang with, no matter what house I get assigned to, I'll always be there for you, no matter what kind of situation you are in. Be it in the middle of the night, or in the middle of the day."

"Thanks, Danny."

"Good night." I say as I leave her room, closing the door behind me. Knowing that it was pointless to try and go back to sleep, I decided to try and meditate to clear my head.


"Ahh!" I was startled to the ground wait I was floating?!? With Hermione's scream.

"Are you ok?"  I ask ignoring the fact that I was floating right in front of her in hopes that she didn't see me floating.

"Yea, it looked like you were floating for a second, but I guess it must have been a trick of the light."  She said as she left the room.  I quickly get up and follow her to the kitchen for the last meal I would have at the Granger's house.

After breakfast things happened in a blur I loaded my bags into the car and I set my phoenix free to fly to Hogwarts on her own accord. After we got to the station Hermione and I said goodbye to her parents and we went through the wall to platform 9 3/4. Boarding the train Hermione rushed off to be with her friends and I followed unsure of what to do. As we approached the part of the train with her friends on it I got really nervous.

Hermione opened the sliding door and announced our arrival by saying, "Danny I would like you to meet my friends, Harry and Ron."

The two boys in which she referred to were looking up at me curiously the closer one, Ron, had red hair and... before I could continue looking at Ron to get a good feel of his character and danger level (bad habit), I realized that Harry as the one I had seen in the car, and the boy that appeared in the mirror, the boy with the scar.

Hermione cleared her throat drawing me out of my thoughts and I said, "Hey, call me Danny, but my real name is Daniel, Daniel Work. Nice to meet you." 

"Nice meeting ya." Ron said already looking back to Harry.

"Nice to meet you too, Danny."  Harry said looking to Hermione.

Sitting I listened to their citchat for a few moments before I noticed that Hermione,  was looking weaker by the moment same as Ron, but Harry. Harry looked to be expiring faster by the minute.  Looking for their cause I then I felt it, I was absorbing their souls, like I was turning them into ghosts! What an I going to do? I thought as I watched the light start to drain from their eyes.  Trying to stop the panic from creeping in a blurring my mind.


Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now