Chapter 75

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Oliver called as soon as I exited the subway station and he sounded frustrated, but tried to be cool.

"Baby, where are you?" He asked sounding impatient.

"Mia and I are still out." I simply said and not explaining to him about where exactly we are.

"Out where?" He asked as gently as possible, but was failing miserably.

"I don't know." I said honestly because we looked up at the map and ended up somewhere unexpected all thanks to those creeps and now Mia and I have to figure out how to get back to the hotel without taking the same route.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He said finally losing it.

"We just ended up at some place." I said getting annoyed that he was getting mad at us. "We are fine and we will come back to the hotel later." I said looking at the watch. It was 9:45 pm now and I was not sure what time we are leaving from this place.

I can actually imagine him fuming and walking around because I can hear that sound coming through the other side, but I put that behind.

"Baby, it is late." He tried again as nicely as possible."

"We will be fine." I said. "We are not children anymore."

And just then my phone beeped and I looked at the screen and my eyes widened at the notification that says that my battery will be dying soon, by soon means any minute because the first time I got notified I actually didn't really care..

"Mia, you got your power bank? My phone is about to die."

Mia squealed. "My battery died in the subway and I thought we will be using your phone to go back to the hotel." She said and I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

I can hear Oliver screaming from the other side of the phone, so I quickly said to him.

"Baby, my phone is dying. We are fine, don't worry" and with that my phone died and I realized in my panic state I called him 'Baby' for the first time and the situation was not that great.

"We should go to some Cafe that have those charging stations for phone and we looked around the street and walked around the busy street with beautiful view, until we found a Cafe that was decorated well with few people and outside it says, Free Wifi and Charging stations, so we quickly went in and ordered some drinks with sandwiches while we waited for our phone to charge.

We found out from the people working there that from here to the place where our hotel is located it takes about an hour or so and Mia and I realized that we have actually came way too far and we should have stayed within the hotel's area, but well we can't anything now.

Mia and I sat and spoke about everything and anything because we really don't get much time to spend together as we have our own schedules and things to do back home.. Mia said that she was glad that Grayson and She got into NYU, but of course they are studying different programs with Grayson taking up Business Management program and Mia is taking Biomedical engineering program.

"You both did well, you two deserved it." I said honestly and I was proud that they got into NYU.

"I just can't wait for the first semester, it should be great, right?" She said looking hopeful and I felt guilty and didn't say anything. Mia and I are different, but I really hope that she have a better time at the college because I sure did not,all thanks to some certain people.

Once our phone was around 40% all thanks to fast charging, we decided to leave the Cafe and it was 10:40 pm already. I got a lot of missed calls, texts and voice mails from Oliver and Mia did get some from Grayson who promised her that he wouldn't call her today unless it was necessary because today was suppose to be just Mia and my day.

Down the street, we got a cab and once we were inside both of us called the brothers, the irony.

Oliver was fuming when he picked up the phone at the first ring and asked me if I was okay.

"We are okay." I said reminding him that I am not alone. "We are in our way back and it will take about an hour."

"Keep me updated about your whereabouts." Oliver said and sounded not too happy. "We should have a talk once you are back."

I was not ready for any arguments with Oliver and so I simply went with an Okay and ended the call.

Grayson was much nicer compared to Oliver, well because they are different and the relationship between Mia and him is different because Grayson asked if we are okay and said they were worried about us and asked how long will it take for us to be there and said he will wait for us in the lobby.

"You two would look good together." I said to Mia once she ended the call with Grayson.

"I don't think so.." she said hesitantly.

"Why?" I asked.

"We-we are.." She said thinking of a word to complete the sentence. "Different."

"Oliver and I are different too."

"It's complicated." She said as she dropped and changed the subject and I didn't push her either.

Oliver text me every 5 minutes and asked where I was, to be honest seeing him care and worried about us was nice, but way too much because I have no idea where we are. We took highways and roads and it's not like I know the name of the place and the driver did not seemed to want to have a conversation or answer any questions of ours.

I tried checking the sign boards and answering Oliver's question because at the end I can't really get mad at him for caring.

When we reached the hotel, the fare money was a lot, but we didn't have a choice and once we entered the lobby, we saw Grayson and Oliver speaking with each other and Oliver did not look happy while Grayson looked frustrated. When Oliver noticed we were approaching them, his face looked relieved as he pushed past Grayson and he give me a hugged.

"I am fine." I tell him after the hug as I saw Mia yawning and Grayson and her was having some conversation.

"You are never going out of my sight, ever." He said and me being too tired I rolled my eyes and I said

"Watch me."

He glared at me. "Are you challenging me?"

"You can say that." I said as I glared back because I was actually really mad that Oliver is now controlling my life and I want some space.

"Well, I am going to bed." Mia said to me and ignored Oliver. "I will see you in the room." She said and then she dragged Grayson along with her to the elevator leaving me with Oliver, alone.

"How is your head doing?" He asked and I don't know how to feel about his mood swings.

"It is better." I said not sure about his mood swings.

"Let's get you to your room." He said as he took my hand and lead us to the elevator and I didn't argue with him.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book. We really appreciate all your support. Please give it a vote if you enjoy the chapter and share it with other readers. Read our other book, 'Seasons of the Year' Which you can find it in our profile. Next update will be on Friday. Happy readings!

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