Chapter 43

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As soon as I exited the high way. Oliver started whining to stop at the nearest possible place so we can switch places. I rolled my eyes and said,

"Give me one good reason as to why I should switch place."

"Well because I want to drive you around now." He said.

"What's the difference?" I asked. "I drive or you drive? What does it matter?"

"It matters a lot to me." He whispered. "I want to drive." He whined again a little more louder and I give in when I saw the nearest stop that I can pull the car and switch places with. I was pretty nervous to drive a car after a long time and an expensive one is more scary. Oliver drives very smoothly. He use one hand to steer the wheel and I screamed at him not to do that.

"I have drove like a million times now." He said. "Relax. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

His words was soothing but I cannot relax, but soon I got used to it. The other time when he drove. He was pretty much decent and I haven't notice his hand away from the wheels. By the time we reached there, we were the only one there and when he called Jason. He said that they might be more late than planned as their car stopped on the way and they are trying to get it fix which may take sometime.

"Well, I guess this is just us, for now." He said shrugging. We drove to a mountain for zip lining. I was thrilled and scared at the same time. He then explained that we have to walk a little to look around the place, we can pick fruits and make jams or something out of it and then zip lining at the end.

We took the place's car which almost looked like a mini golf cart to look around. Well, we could have walked but Oliver didn't want to. At one point I was so so bored of sitting and looking around that I hopped off when Oliver slowed down to take in the view. He literally screamed and stopped the cart and scolded me.

"You - you could have told me to stop, you could have injured yourself. Liana!" He screamed in frustration.

"My butt hurts!" I explained. "We drove all the way here and then you want to take a golf cart instead of walking."

"But that does not explain your stunt that you pulled. It was dangerous." He huffed in annoyance when I laughed and brush him off.

"You take the cart, I will walk and look around." I said to him and he rolled his eyes.

"You think that I will leave you alone to walk? I will just park it at the park sign and we can walk all the way there."He said.

"You don't have to.. I just want to walk. You take the cart." I said.

He rolled his eyes and then park it at the sign. "You better not do what you just did again!" He said scowling and I laughed and poked his cheek.

"Sure.. let's walk now." I said. I forgot that he is my boss, he doesn't act like one though.

We walked in silence at first taking in the nature. We clicked a couple of pictures here and there. He first was hesitant and when I assured him that I won't be posting online he then took pictures with me.I understand his privacy. We then went to pick grapes to make jams. It was fun though. A lot more fun than I thought it would be. Oliver looked more relax and laughed a lot throughout. We ate at one of the many restaurant in that area. The view was great with the food. I question him about Jason and Ethan and he shrugged and said he will call them to see. It was around 1 pm and still no news about them.

"It seem like they had to take the car to the mechanic and they are still there, they said they won't be able to make it." He said after the phone call with them.

"Oh." I said feeling a little bad that they had to cancel the trip because of that.

"Well.. we will just check out some more and do zip lining at the very end. I heard there is an art event today." He said. "You want to go for that?"

"Sure." I said smiling at him. "I like that idea."

"Hi Liana, is that you?" I heard a guy's voice called out for me from behind us.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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