Chapter 20

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Liana locked the door behind her and started walking to the bus stop. It was Monday morning and every one seemed to have Monday blues. Liana was so tired because she had to do some work for Stacy last night. Liana was almost there to the bus stop when a car stopped beside her and the window rolled down to reveal the handsome guy she met. Oliver, he was smiling at her

"Want me to drop you off since it is on my way?"he asked as politely as he could. Liana didn't know what to say because Oliver came out of the car to open the door for her. Liana hesitantly, but smiled as she entered the car.

"You lived somewhere in this neighbourhood?" She asked him as he started driving.

"Yea... kind of." He said as he adjusted the heat in the car.

"Kind of?" Liana asked.

"I lived here and there." Oliver said trying to avoid any more question.

"I thought you would have your own house." Liana said.

Oliver laughed awkwardly.

"I have never seen you before in this neighbourhood." Liana said.

"Maybe because we didn't know each other." Oliver said smiling.

"Thank you for taking me to the office." She said looking at him and feeling grateful.

"My pleasure." He said as he continued to drive.

"But don't you work at the main head office?" Liana said remembering it.

"It is on my way, so it is not a big deal." He said smiling.

Liana felt guilty. "You can drop me off somewhere and I can catch on the bus
You might be late."

"I can assure you. It is on my way and I am early." He said.

"You can just drop me at the bus stop near the office so you don't have to enter the building entrance."

"Then you have to walk for sometime. I don't mind." He said as he speed up and then he entered the entrance and he stopped the car and looked at her.

Liana quickly unbuckle her seat belt and smiled at him. She was almost late for work but they reached on time thanks to Oliver.

"I am so thankful to you. Can I treat you for lunch some day if not today?" She said

"Today, my schedule is a bit tight but some day, that's for sure." He grinned.

"I will see you around." She said and exited the car as he said his good bye.

Oliver woke up early as usual but decided to change his schedule. He got ready, he picked his outfit with care, like always and then head down. His butler already made breakfast for him, but it seemed like he was in a hurry. Ethan was waiting for him outside and then Oliver said,

"Today, I will drive myself to work."

Ethan was pretty surprised but then said, "Which car would you like to drive?"

"A car that is not much expensive."

"Can you specify your not much expensive?" Ethan asked confused.

"As in that won't make me look rich but just like normal people?"

Ethan looked at Oliver with a confused look and said, "You want to take Audi with you today?"

"No-" Oliver said thinking. "How about Volkswagen?"

Ethan looked at him like he was so lost.

"I will take that today. You can drive another car to the office or your own. I don't know... you do what you want but I will drive that one on my own."

"Sure?" Ethan said hesitant at first. He reluctantly give the keys to Oliver.

Oliver decided to "live in the same neighbourhood" as Liana. He waited for her and when he saw her going near the bus stop he decided to make use of the opportunity.

Oliver smiled as he reached the office after dropping Liana. He felt like he have achieved something great this morning and decided to achieve more work today as he positively work through out the morning shocking his staff. His staff was unsure of his mood, he seemed a lot happier and more forgiving today.

During lunch it was obvious everyone was talking about his nice behaviour and some even bet that he will be angry soon. It is just the calm before the storm.

Grayson was very well aware of the gossips in the office. He gets to hear everything as he socialise more than his brother. Grayson walked to Oliver's office and knocked once before coming in.

"Next time,wait for my reply before entering." Oliver said not looking up from the files.

"And here I thought you were suppose to be in a good mood today." Grayson said.

"What do you mean?" Oliver said still reading the files.

"How was your morning?" Grayson asked hinting something that Oliver never understood.

"Great." Oliver said as he shut the file and looked at Grayson. "You seem to be very interested in me these days."

Grayson shrugged. "Can't I ask how you are doing? You are my older brother and I care about you."

Oliver looked at Grayson in suspicion and didn't say anything.

"Want to grab lunch together?" He asked Grayson.

"Sure. Where to?"

"I don't know." Oliver said.

"How about hand pulled ramen?" Grayson said. "But it is near Comic Centre."

"Sounds great!" Oliver said taking his court.

"Can we drop by at the Comic Centre... I want to see the company. It's been a while."

Little do Oliver know that Grayson have something on his mind.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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