Chapter 55

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"Well done Babe. You did better than I expected", I said patting the back of the love of my life.

"I still don't get it, why did you ask me to flirt with Sam, when you know that I am completely into you? Also you should have looked at your brother's grumpy face when he saw me with Sam. I mean I really don't want to start a fight with my new business partner" Jacob complained.

"It's really not that hard to understand why I am doing it. Oliver was just about to give up on everything when Sam left him. But seeing her with you has given him motivation to win her back. Because now he can clearly see that if he don't act then he might just lose her forever".

"And what good is this doing to Sam?"

"Well, Sam is now confusing her anger with her self respect. She is too stubborn to see it herself. You getting close to her will hopefully let her realise what she actually wants, or rather who she actually wants", I explained.

Cocking his head, he said, " in that case, don't you think you chose a rather much more handsome guy to play this part. I mean she might just end up choosing me".

"Ha . Ha .ha. very funny" .

"Do not underestimate me babe" he said pulling me towards him. "I can sometimes be irresistible" he said brushing his lips over my neck and I moaned in pleasure.

"I like this irresistible Jacob" I said holding his tie, pulling him, placing his lips over mine as I crushed mine on his.

"I love you" I whispered in his ears.

"I love you more babe" he said kissing my lips again.

Just then his cellphone ring made me jump back and I fell on the couch behind me.

"Gosh, careful. It's Oliver. Shhhh...." He said in a low tone and picked up the call.

"Hello Mr. Taylor. How are you feeling now?"

"Er... I am actually not sure if it's a good idea to ask Sam to report so quickly after what both of you have been through. She might still be recovering".

"No. I mean.... Er.... Alright Mr. Taylor I'll call her and..... Well then... Alright. See ya!"

And he ended the call after this short conversation.

"What was he saying? You seemed out of words" I said brushing his cheeks with my fingers as he sat down next to me.

"Apparently you brother is still pissed off with me for wooing his girlfriend. He said that he wants Sam to report at his office in half an hour. I said she might still be recovering and it doesn't seem like a good idea, but then he said he doesn't have time to waste and he might just himself call her and ask her to come".

"Typical Ollie!" I said smiling.

"I think he needs anger management sessions".

"He needs love. He needs to feel secure in love. He needs to know that Sam loves him even in presence of other choices".

"What other choices. I am already taken" Jacob said laying me down on the couch and climbing over me.

"Stop. Jacob. Please" I said giggling as he tickled me with his fingers.

I don't know when I fell in love with this incredible man. When he first came to see my ice skating competition, or when I saw him again at the meeting. I just know that I always felt a strong pull towards him everytime I saw him. Turned out that he was following me since one year and I had no idea. I am glad that he finally confessed his feelings to me. I have never been so happy in my life. It feels great to be in love and to be loved by the one you love. And I want that for Ollie too. I'll do everything possible to make this happen. And now that I have Jacob with me, I am sure I'll be able to make it happen.

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