Chapter 4

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I checked my watch again. It's already 10:10. Why does she do this to me? I hate waiting for her. It makes me mad. I feel possessive about every second of the day she has dedicated to this job. I don't want to miss her seeing even a single second less than that. Why does she always come late to office. And then her lame excuses. How many times have I asked her to take company cab. Although I actually want her to drive her to office myself but of course I couldn't ever dare to ask. I am so pissed off right now. This is my last chance to know if she has any feelings for me. I have to keep my cool and tell her about the proposal. I need to see her reaction.

I made my coffee myself and stood in front of the window again. Although I like when she waits for me with my coffee in her hand as I enter the cabin. It makes my day. I purposely touch her fingers everytime she handles me the coffee mug. I don't think she realises that I do this on purpose. I watched down the building on the main road and saw a cab stopping in front of the building across the road. She climbed down the cab holding her purse over her head trying to cover herself from the rain yelling at the cab driver something. Finally she is in.

Hold on Oliver. Keep your cool. You have to put your best face on. She should not know what you really are looking for. I advised myself still looking outside eagerly waiting for Sam to enter the cabin.

"Hello Sir, good morning. I.. I am sorry Sir I couldn't reach on time coz...a...", She was stammering and probably trying hard to think of another of the lame excuses of her.

"Its OK Miss Ryan, please sit down I have to discuss something very urgent with you", I said turning towards her.

I froze, the minute I saw her. She was wearing a black knee length lace dress. She had tiny raindrops twinkling all over her hair and her face. She kept her purse on the desk and sat down and stared at me. Those eyes! I just couldn't control my emotions anymore. I wanted to push her back further on her chair, lean over her beautiful face, hold her hair in my hands and suck every single water drops from her face.

But then she removed her gaze from me down her knees tugging a strand of her hair at the back of her ears. She does that whenever she is nervous. I immediately came back to the reality.

"Miss Ryan, a very close friend of mine from my college is visiting me after almost 10 years. She is very dear to me and I am planning to propose her during her visit this time. So, I want you to make all the necessary arrangements for her comfortable stay in the city. Also it would be appreciable if you could plan something for the whole proposal thing, you know. I mean you being a girl will have a better idea of what she might like and what not. I have made a folder on my desktop where you can get all the details you need about her." I said everything without a single pause. I had that practiced in my mind multiple times. Plus if I would have paused in between I would have never been able to finish it. I was asking the love of my life to arrange for a proposal for another girl. My heart aches to even think of being with any other girl. I wish I could ask her to marry me instead. This is what I wanted to ask her in reality.

As I completed I looked up into her eyes to see her reaction, but to my dismay she didn't appear to be listening at all. I waved at her saying hello and then she just excused herself to maybe tidy her up as she had her hair done back and face wiped up when she came back. But what disappointed me most was to see her smile.

I just couldn't bear all this anymore so I asked her to have a look at the folder and I left from there. As I came out of the room I saw Justin standing at the end of the bay leaning over Christine's desk chatting with her. Bloody flirt, I thought.

"Hey Justin, are you finished for the day?", I asked him.

"Er... W.. wwhat Sir? I mean no sir", he stammered.

"Then what the hell are you doing here at Christine's desk. Go back and do your job for which I pay you bloody asshole", I said almost yelling at him.

My eyes were burning with anger. The bay went drop dead silent as I watched all the others moving their heads towards their respective computer screens as I moved out of the office.

As I came down into the parking lot, I saw Max standing there beside my car. He opened the back seat for me as I approached him. I entered the car and sat down silently. He closed the door and sat on the driver's seat wearing his hat igniting the vehicle and asked, "Where to boss"?

"No where, just keep driving", I replied.

"Any problem boss? All well?", He asked looking at me from the rear mirror.

" No buddy. All is not well. And stop calling me boss. There's noone else in the car", I replied.

Although Max is my driver, but he is the closest friend I have. He is the only one whom I have told everything about my real feelings for Sam. He understands me, cares for me as his own brother. He is an orphan just like me, but not lucky enough to get adopted by rich foster parents. Who knows maybe we shared the same biological mother as we don't know who our real mother was. Sometimes I envy him because though he doesn't have rich parents like mine but still he doesn't carry the burden of fulfilling his parents dream to unburden himself from the gratitude he owes to them. He is free to love anyone, to marry anyone of his choice.

"Hey Ollie are you telling me what happened? I am waiting man", he asked finally coming out of the role of my driver.

"I told her about the proposal bud. She seems unaffected. I don't think she has any feelings for me", I said looking out of the window.

"Man, why don't you just go tell her the truth already. You don't need to hurt yourself like this mate."

"You know I can't. Besides there is no need now. She doesn't love me. It's clear now."

"I don't know man. Why don't you call her up just to re check. I mean you could have guessed it wrong", he said rotating the steering to right towards my apartment.

"I am sure man. There is no need to recheck", I shrugged.

"I don't know bud, if I would have been so much in love with someone, I would have never given up so easily. I mean have some trust in your girl Ollie", he said convincingly.

My girl, I wish she would have been my girl. May be Max is right. Maybe I didn't read her correctly. I should call her, I thought and took out my phone immediately to call her up. I dialed her number. It rang more than the usual it takes for her to pick up the call, but finally she did, almost at the last ring.

"Yes Sir?", She sounded sad. I could hear her hiccuping. Was she sad? Was she crying?

"Miss Ryan, did you check the files?", I asked hoping to know more.

"Ummm... Yes Sir I did", she replied. There was hesitation in her voice.

"Good. Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, an urgent meeting has come up so I am leaving for Paris tonight. Cancel all my plans for the day. This is important. I'll be back by tomorrow evening so it would be better if you would prepare a checklist for all the things to be done. We can discuss it when I'll be back."I had no plans of seeing her tomorrow too as I had two days work in Paris, but her behaviour on phone, her worried sound made me restless. It gave me hope. I wanted to meet her immediately, but I thought it was better to give her sometime to think. To make her understand her feelings better. I wanted to give our love one more chance before its too late.

"Ok Sir", she replied sadness still filled in her voice.

"Ok then Miss Ryan. Good day!", I replied. I wanted to say I love you instead of good day when I hung up the phone.

I looked towards Max. He glanced back smiling at me for a while and then continued driving looking forward at the endless road ahead.

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