Chapter 13

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Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I rolled around the small folding bed.
I could not get her out of my mind.
Her little perfect body.
The sweet sweet curves.
Fucking beautiful and her beauty was my fucking problem.
And now we'd have to sleep in the same damn room.
I tried not to watch her sleep, but that turned out to be a lot harder than I initially thought.

I saw her squirming all over her bed, she's been doing that for the past hour or so.
I knew she had a nightmare of some kind, probably processing everything that happened to her.
I still can't get that bastard out of my head. I can't completely blame him though, it was my fault she got hurt like that.
I should have protected her, I should have stayed with her, like I promised her brothers once.

„P-please,n-no." Arabelle whimpered in her sleep.

She used to look so calm while sleeping, now her face is scrunched up and a terrified aura is surrounding her.

Why the fuck did I ever leave her alone?

I slowly approached her bed, trying to control myself and not jump her and kiss the shit out of her, like I always kind of wanted to.

My own feelings disturbed me. I never intended to fall in love with her, that never was my plan and I only realised my feelings very recently.

The little beauty kept squirming around and a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Shh, darling. It's okay, it's me." I whispered into her ear and carefully took her into my arms.
I shook her a little, in order to wake her up.

"Shh, baby girl, wake up." Her eyes fluttered.

"X-xander?" She whimperd, her eyes red and her cheeks wet.

"Calm down, it's okay now." She tried pulling away.

"X-Xander w-what are you doing in my bed?" I pulled her back into my arms and held her tightly.

"Don't be stubborn, you were crying in your sleep and I'm making sure you're safe."

"I-I really don't know about this." She muttered quietly. Her face was a bright red, her blush even reached down her neck. It was obvious, she wasn't exactly resisting, she was just so fucking shy.

Respecting her embarrassment, I let her go. She instantly started shuddering at the coldness of the room.

It really was freezing outside, but I knew of her habit of always opening the window during the night, so I didn't protest.

She cuddled into her blanket, looking like a little cute worm.

"What was your dream about?"

"Ehm, I forgot?" She said hesitantly.

"Arabelle, you better tell me now, or help me god." I growled. My anger wasn't even directed at her, but thinking about what that dick did to her, I couldn't control myself.

She flinched back, seemingly scared of the tone I used.

God damn, be fucking careful Xander. She's fragile at the moment.
My conscience reminded me.

"I'm not angry at you, Arabelle. I know you dreamt of him, I'm angry at him for even having had the opportunity to look at you."

She blushed again. "Thank you Xander, for always being here for me."

"Don't worry, that's my job."

Her expression saddened.


"Oh..., still, thank you" she smiled at me, a beautiful smile.

I actually tried smiling back at her, I'm sure it looked terrific. Smiling wasn't the norm for me and I therefor didn't do it a lot, but for her I'd cute my fucking dick off, although I'm sure she'd miss it.
I smirked at my own thought.

"Are you okay? Xander?" Arabelle looked up at me, with her cute innocent eyes.

Good thing she doesn't know what I'm thinking about.

"Let's go to bed now." I laid down beside her. Her bed was huge anyway.

"What are you doing Xander? You can't sleep with me?" She yelled.

"Darling, I'm not sleeping with you, I'm sleeping next to you. I'm sure you'd know the difference, if I were to show you."

She looked confused at first, then her face scrunched up in disgust, then she started blushing like crazy.

"Stop with those jokes." The cutie mumbled.

"But Arabelle, you know you wouldn't have any more nightmares with me next to you. We both know that, so just let me protect you."
I spoke in a calm, serious tone. I was actually doing her a favour, her sleep would kill mine. It already took enough control, to just be in the same room with her, but the same bed?

Fuck me.

Quite literally.

Shit, I sounded like a desperate teenage girl, who just watched Robert Psomething in Twilight.

She didn't answer, she just shifted to the side, making the gap between us as big as possible.

I rolled my eyes at her behaviour.

"I'm not gonna attack you anyway. No need to worry about that."

"Oh, okay then." Her cheeks turned red, once again, as she came a little closer.

And as I expected, it didn't even take her ten minutes to fall asleep again.

I, however, was a different story.

I couldn't get over the close proximity. Shit. What was I thinking?

Her breathing picked up, she started squirming  around again. Another nightmare?

I pulled her into my arms, knowing I could stop her nightmares.
She instantly calmed down.


Sorry guys, this was kinda cringey lol, but don't we love some good cringe?

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