Chapter 5

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I woke up to the shouting which could be heard in the whole entire house.
"HE FUCKING WANTS HER" my brother Tyson yelled in anger
"DON'T ACT LIKE I DON'T KNOW, DUMBASS" could be heard from Alex.
"Shut the fuck up, yelling at each other won't help. We need to get rid of him before he tries anything."

I , still insanely sleepy, crawled out of my bed, opened the door and made my way to my 3 brothers.

An expression of surprise covered my face, as I saw not only my brothers, but also Xander,Michael, James and a few others standing in the living room.
"Can I help you with something?" I asked shyly, not trying to anger them even more. Both, my ears and my heart, were incredible sensitive to screaming.

Instead of answering, Tyson pulled me towards him and hugged the living daylight out of me. Scared of being squished to death I looked at Derek pleadingly. He instantly moved to Tyson, slapped his head and pulled me out of my brother's embrace.

"Arabelle,.." Derek sighed.
"Did something happen while I was asleep?" I asked innocently, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"No, nothing that you should worry your pretty little head about, alright? Soo, what does my favourite little sister want to do today?"
I couldn't help but be a little suspicious, I blantly waved it off, probably nothing serious.

"Can we go to the zoo please?" I plead, pouting and giving my brother the best puppy dog eyes I could master.

"No!" Barked Xander. I hung my head lowly, already seeing all the elephants and penguins blurring until they were completely gone.

"Arabelle, you know that public places are too dangerous for an innocent soul like you. Let's rather stay here and watch a movie, alright?"

"But Alex, I'm at home watching movies every single day..." I pouted

I tried looking even sadder than I actually was, a crocodile tear fell down onto my cheek and I looked into Derek's eyes hopefully .

"Oh, god damn it" groaned Derek
"Alright we're going to the zoo, but there will be a few rules.
1. Don't run off, you're always to be at either mine, Alex', Tyson's or Xander's side.
2. If someone orders you to do something, you will do the task asked of you without a question. This is all for your safety baby sis.
3. When we decide that we should leave, you won't complain."
Derek said with a strict voice. I just beamed at him, too happy to even properly listen, I mean this is my very first time at the Zoo and I've only ever seen animals in films and shows.

"Alright we're going, Arabelle get your Jacket and a hat from upstairs, it's cold today. Xander,   Michael, James you and a few others will be coming with us, tell Jackson, Lukas, Tim and John to come as well." Derek ordered in his meany-voice.


The car ride was pretty silent.... I think?
I was too focused on the images of the zoo in my head. Would they have bunnies? Or even a little baby goat? I hope they do...
Suddenly a big rough hand shook me out of my thoughts and I turned around to see Xander.

"We're here" was all he said, or was all I heard, before I jumped out of the car and ran towards the entrance.

I got jerked back by the same rough hand, which shook me in the car already.
"You never are to leave my side" He growled angrily,I just nodded my head while looking down at my feet.

I didn't even notice Tyson coming to my side, pulling my hand into his and dragging me to the nice looking lady who sold the tickets.

"Ok, here you go. 11 adult tickets to the park and the slide. Oh and btw, you are a beautiful couple" She said smiling, while I blushed.
"Oh, we are siblings" I quickly corrected her.
"Then who of the bunch is your boyfriend." She asked while winking at me.
" I don't have one" I whispered quietly while blushing like crazy, my eyes still looking down to my feet.

She slightly gasped "How is a beautiful little girl like you single? But if you want to, I have a son your age you could..." she got broken off by Xander
"She will be fine, thank you." He growled out and pulled me into the Zoo.

"Hey! That was rude Xander!" I pouted at him, how can he be so disrespectful to someone obviously older than him.
He just ignored me and pushed me to Lukas, I instantly recognised him as the younger man who helped me with Xander and who offered me a seat.
"Hello, I'm Arabelle" I greeted him cheerily and stuck my hand out, for him to shake it.

Unlike my expectations, he also reached his hand out for me to shake and gave me a wide friendly smile.
My heart lightly swelled at the possibility of making a friend, who would finally talk to me, or even like me...
"So Lukas, what is your favourite thing in the world?" I asked him, smiling the whole time.

"Hm" he thought, "I'm not sure, I'd probably have to say my family and right after that, maybe your smile" He said winking at me, which resulted in me being a blushing mess.

A hand suddenly grabbed me from behind and pushed me behind a huge back. Xander

"Stop fucking flirting around Lukas and focus on your damn job." He gritted out. I flinched slightly as I heard him cussing, I just really don't like it. How do those bad words actually help in our daily vocabulary? They are completely and utterly useless.

"Hey Belle, look, do you see the monkeys tolling around over there?" Alex asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.
The animals! How could I forgot watching all the animals!
I quickly ran towards the fence which separated me from the small brown and furry creatures.
They were so adorable. Jumping around from branch to branch.

A light laugh could be heard from behind me, I turned around to look at the person making fun of me, pouting a little while doing so.

"What did I do?" I asked Lukas.
"Oh nothing babe, you only looked so cute" he smiled. I, of course, blushed at his words and the nickname he gave me. Xander beside me just glared at Lukas.

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