Chapter 3

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(Michael Fassbender starring as Michael Wolf, picture above)

I cuddled into my pillows, sighing contently. I adore pillows, doesn't matter what shape, what size, what colour, as long as they're comfortable, I don't care.

"What the fuck are you doing there?" Xander asks me while I push my cute pillows behind me, protecting them from him.

"I'm just cuddling with my pillows." I say and pout a little, why does he have to be so freaking mean all the time.

"Yeah, keep cuddling your pillows, that's probably the only thing in life you'll ever cuddle." He says smirking to himself. I just look down, he's kind of right even though I hate to admit it.

I never had a boyfriend, well how can I speak of a boyfriend when I never even had friends? People here don't really like me and as you know I don't get out tooo much. Maybe I just have to try harder, I can't stay friendless forever right? I could just cook for everyone, we have enough ingredients so there should be no problem. And my mother once said 'The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach'.

So I stood up, put on some cute unicorn slippers and went downstairs to the kitchen. Xander looked at me confused but followed in silence.

I opened the fridge and put everything I needed on the dining table beside me. I took the eggs out of their package, cracked them into a bowl , added milk, flour, sugar, vanilla extract and some baking powder. I mixed everything together until the ingredients combined well and sprayed cooking oil into a pan, I then started to pour a bit of the pancake dough into the pan and waited until the pancake was ready to be turned.

I piled the pancakes on 4 huge plates. I asked Xander whether he could help me, but he just ignored me. I shrugged and took one of the plates to carry it to the bodyguards lounge.

I knocked a few times, when James opened the door. He looked at me in anger, but then noticed the pancakes in my hands. His eyes brightend up a little and he opened the door for me so I could step in. I saw everyone sitting on a huge couch, playing a video game or something like that, laughing and enjoying their time. James cleared his throat and everyone turned their heads in our direction, staring at me wide-eyed.

"What is she doing here??" One of them, I think his name is Jackson, asked.

"Uh I-I have pancakes." I replied shyly even though i knew that the question wasn't directed at me.

Everyone looked at me, then at the pancakes. I almost dropped them, since they started getting really heavy and I barely worked out. I handed them to James who still was beside me and he happily took them out of my hands. One of the younger Bodyguards offered me a seat and I thankfully sat down. Suddenly Xander grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the couch. He lowered his hands from my arm to my wrist and held me by my wrist tightly just like he did in the mall. I groaned out in pain trying to push his hands off, he only tightend his grip on my already bruised wrist.

The pained look on my face must have alarmed the guy who offered me a seat earlier. He pushed Xander back , Xander loosend his grip and I instantly yanked my wrist back and hold it against my chest, protecting it from any further abuse.

Xander glared at me and slowly approached me, I ,on the other hand stepped back until I felt the wall hit my back. Fear blinded my senses and I couldn't see anything but the angry look on Xander's face.

I didn't even notice how Michael and Isaac stepped beside me.

"Stop Xander,you're scaring her." Michael said in a voice which one wouldn't dare to object.

Xander growled lowly and stormed out of the room.

Isaac handed me a cool pack and I thankfully looked him in the eyes a smile plastered on my face.

"Now get out Arabelle." Michael said in a calm but stern voice. My smile instantly dropped.

"B-b-b-ut X-x-ander ist g-g-oing to h-h-urt me if I g-go back." I stuttered, shocked at the fact that they are sending me back . The fear of getting hurt by Xander controlled my mind and mouth.

Instead of answering, Michael pushed me out of the door. I looked down the long corridor, seeing Xander standing in front of the stairs, which lead up to my room. In order to avoid him, I quickly walked the other way. I tip toed towards the kitchen, when I was gripped from behind.

"Where the fuck do you think are you going?!" Xander shouted angrily at me.

I slowly turned around, looking down to the floor.

"I uh, I-I wanted to get a s-sandwich" I told him weakly, still not looking into his eyes.

He groaned in response, like he always does. He then stepped in front of me , stepping into the kitchen and walking towards the counter, pulling bread and cheese out of the fridge.

"What? Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to help me make your damn sandwhich?"

"That's not how you speak to my little sister Xander" A familiar voice interupted Xander's and my conversation. I turned around, to get a better look at the person who was talking to us. My brother.

I havn' t heard his voice in long time, making it sound almost foreign to me.

"Derek?", I asked confused. "Why are you here?"

"I was looking for my baby sister, do you have a problem with that Belle?"

"No not at all, but why were you looking for me?" I tilted my head to the side, looking up to him with a confused expression on my face. "Wasn't he angry at me just a few hours ago?" I asked out loud by accident.

"I wasn't angry at you Arabelle, I was angry at something you shouldn't care about, ok baby girl? Now come on and hug your big bro." He gestured me to come and hug him and I gladly accepted the offer, you would too if you were in my position.

A few minutes passed by, my brother and I were still in the same position as before and Xander just awkwardly watched us.

"Eeeeeh, when exactly are you letting me go Bro?" I asked, wiggling in his tight hold.

"I'm never going to let you go. Someone will snatch you away from me if I do and big bro doesn't want that." Ok, why is he acting like this all of a sudden, I can't say that I didn't enjoy it, I mean I missed my brothers over the last year, but I'm not used to this behaviour, I would expect such a behaviour from Tyson or Alex, but not from big bad Derek. And what is he talking about, someone snatching me away from him? Not like that's going to happen, my brother doesn't have to worry about boyfriends.

"No one will snatch me away from you, look at me. Do I look like I will ever get a boyfriend?" I ask in all honesty.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please comment on any mistake I made, give me your opinions on the story and please vote.

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Dear BodyguardOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora