▪Chapter XXIII▪

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"Ear piece?"


"Burner phone?"




"Pocket knife?"

"Would you stop it already. I'm going to a meet up not a camp night."

Steven was helping me get all the equipment I needed to go meet Jamie Hill. I would be lying if I said I was completely fearless, but my anger masked my fear and I was more than ready to take down this psychopath.

"Yo Liam, it's about to get dark outside, we're leaving in 5."

When I did not get an anticipated reply, I walked towards the training room and I saw him pummeling a punching bag.

"Hey, are you okay?" I queried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

I looked at him from head to toe, showing absolutely no sign of belief. "First all, you're punching that bag as if it did something to hurt those non-existent feelings of yours."

He shook his head and held the hook of the punching bag, "I've been distracted lately that's it."

"Distracted? About what?"


I looked at him in confusion, "Me?"

"Yes. You just lost your mum. I've been there, that can be really hard on someone."

I looked at the ground and back at him, "Yeah, I know. But it seems like you've forgotten, I'm not like ordinary people."

He grinned at my comment as he grabbed a cloth from a nearby bench.

"Now come on, let's go. We have a bomber to catch."

I walked away and went to my desk as I tied my hair into a high ponytail. I grabbed my black leather jacket and I was half way through pushing my arms through the sleeves when Liam came towards me.

"Isn't that too much black?" He asked as he analyzed my piti fit. I was wearing a black tank top tucked into black leggings, my black leather jacket and black boots.

"Pffftt. Too much black? What century are you living in? There's no such thing as too much black in this one."

He chuckled and grabbed the keys for the van. Before following him out I stopped to talk to Hailee.

"You know I love you right?" I asked.

"I'll never forget it."

"Good. Whatever happens tonight, know that you'll always be my favourite human being, and you of all people know how much I dislike those."

She hugged me and I walked out. I got into the van with Liam, and we drove off.

It was not long before we got to the docks, barely fifteen minutes of driving. It was quiet and calm. In the distance, cars could be heard as they sped across a nearby bridge, an ambulance with annoying, incessant, wailing sirens passed by and the usual sounds of a restless dark night were not missed. Liam and I inspected the area, looking for Jamie Hill. Next to the docks was an old abandoned warehouse. The place looked deserted and showed no sign of any recent activity.

"So, are you ready to confront Logan?" Asked Liam as I turned to look at him.

"Who says it's Logan?"

"Proof. We found his picture in the apartment."

"Good point. But I don't know, it might not be him."

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