▪Chapter IX▪

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I sat alone in my bedroom thinking of the encounter Logan was having with the man. The only sentences I could make out were "I'm done", and "This is on you," which were both said by the unknown man.

I watched as the stars danced in the night sky, each twinkling differently. As the room became darker my eyes slowly closed and I fell asleep, pushing all my problems to the back of my head.

My alarm clock continuously rang, making me wake up with a headache. I rubbed my eyes and woke up from the bed. Getting ready for school was as simple as taking down a six foot bully with your eyes closed.

I ran down the stairs and shouted good morning to my mum.

"You're in a good mood," she commented.

"Nope, just happy that the weekend is approaching."

"Well, I didn't make breakfast today, grab something at Starbucks on your way to school?"

I simply nodded and got out of the house. I wore my sunglasses and strode down the pathway.

I pushed the door to Starbucks open and I made my way to the line to place my order. I felt someone standing behind me and my instincts shouted Liam. His cologne was distinct, more than it normally should be.

"Didn't know you were a Starbucks kind of boy," I said grinning as I lowered my sunglasses and turned towards him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked ignoring my comment.

"Feelings? What are those?"

He simply smiled at me and I moved forward to order my coffee.

"One Cappuccino please, extra cream and extra sugar."

I paid for my coffee and as I was about to leave Liam stopped me.

"Hey, Jade, wanna walk together to school?"

I shrugged and nodded.

The walk was silent which was bothering me, why did he constantly find the need to talk to me?

"Don't you get tired of me?" I asked breaking the silence and letting my thoughts run free.

"Why would I?"

"Because that's how my life is, I scare people and they run in the opposite direction. Why do you stick around?"

"Because you understand me. You're an outcast like me, you're lonely, even if I haven't figured out why yet."

I halted and looked at him.

"Liam, do you actually think that being friends with me will do you any good? I'm toxic. I'm a ticking time-bomb!"

He gave me a warm smile and I continued to walk.

"You're not. Being a transfer student is a pain, but transferring to a school and meeting someone with the same character as me makes it more bearable."

For some reason that soothed me. It made me have a little reassurance in myself, even if it was slight.

"So, what are you doing after school today?" He asked.

"Umm, today I'm actually busy."

"Just like all other days of the week." He mumbled and I pretended not to hear just to avoid my fist from making contact with his jaw.

We arrived at school shortly. I stared at the cars as they entered the parking lot, parents dropping their kids off. The sound of car doors slamming and teens running inside the school to see their friends filled the air.

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