▪Chapter XIX▪

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"What is it Jade?"

"It's a picture of Logan and his family."

"So Logan is Jamie Hill?" The surprise his tone held was none like I have ever heard.

"Didn't that old receptionist say that Jamie Hill is a woman?" I looked at the photo again.

"By the looks of that receptionist I doubt if she even remembers her own name."

Each day I kept discovering something new about Hexagon and Logan that made me question whether or not everything in my life has been a complete lie.

"We should go Jade, there's nothing that is of value in this apartment."

"Yeah you're right, but at least we know who the bomber is."


We walked back into Phoenix, Steven patiently waiting for us to share our new information.

"Took you guys long enough," he commented coldly.

"No need to get all violent Steven, Liam and I were following a lead."

He huffed in annoyance and listened to us spill our guts about how Logan may or may not be Jamie Hill the bomber.

"Jade, let's not jump to ridiculous conclusions. We don't know for sure if Logan is the bomber."

"How would you explain the photo of him and his famil? His family is like the most precious thing to him, it makes sense if he is Jamie Hill."

"Okay," Steven stopped our bickering, "let's say hypothetically Logan is Jamie Hill, we cannot make a move on him, we need solid proof and a photo ain't gonna cut it."

"How do we prove it?"

"Spying and taking photos."

I groaned in frustration, "You have got to be kidding me."

"It's the only way."

"Who's going to be tailing him?" Liam asked.

"You and Jade, after school hours though."

Liam looked at me and grinned while throwing an arm over my shoulder, "This is going to be fun."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Secretly babysitting a fully grown man, how lovely."


I walked the school hallways, consistency in my steps and a heavy thought on my mind. Tonight was my first stake out with Liam and I was not feeling so happy about it. I mean, sitting in a van outside Logan's house is not really something I would look forward to.

"Hey Jadelyn," I was picking up my pace when I heard my name being called.

A fragile looking teen took his place next to me, trying to keep his steps aligned with mine. The books he was holding seemed to constantly fall from his grasp, he straightened himself as he pushed his glasses back up his nose. His monotonous behaviour made me know exactly who it was.

"How can I help you Marcus?" My blank expression and unrefined tone made him jump a bit.

"You-you are familiar with all hacking related issues, right?"

I quickly halted and it caused Marcus to curiously look at me.

"Depends on who's asking." I said dryly.

"Ummm me, my laptop has been giving me some problems lately and I was thinking maybe you could check it out for me."

I let out a breath of relief as I thanked my lucky stars for not sending another person who needs help with any serious hacking issues like Hexagon or Phoenix.

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