He's mine

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Noah's POV

God it feels like we've been driving in this damn car forever. Every time she looks out the window, I take the opportunity to look at her. I thought my heart stopped when she opened that door earlier... It was like a great an electric shock that shot straight to my dick. It took all my will power to pull myself away from her and not just keep her to myself all night locked up in her apartment. She just looked so excited to go to this party with me, I just couldn't tell her no.

It's not like I don't like going to parties, but they were kind of really my way of hooking up with girls. Now that I have this little beauty beside me, I honestly don't feel the desire to be with any other chick. I really don't know how I'm not touching her right now. The outfit she's wearing is going to have every guy at this party falling all over her and I already know I'm really not gonna like it. Not that I could blame them for looking... I mean look at her. She's that type of girl that pretty much every guy fantasizes about being with. And that look in her eye like she knows what she does to me, but I really know how shy she can be when we're alone. That's why she's so god damn perfect, she doesn't even realize she's perfect.

I turn my head to look at her again when a nearby street light lights up her face. I take in all of her, from her face and down that perfect body...Fuck. I catch the sight of her fingers skimming the skin on her thigh right above where her boots stop. Those boots... It's like she is trying to kill me. Why did she have to wear the boots, as if the skirt wasn't enough? I love many things on her, but her legs are one of my weaknesses. And looking at them right now is making me fantasize of the way they feel wrapped around my waist while I kiss... Damn I gotta be careful with these kinds of thoughts or I'm gonna have a boner when we get to the party. But I swear if she gave me the okay right now, I would pull this car over into the nearest parking lot and bury myself deep inside her in the backseat of this truck.

Every second I spend with her just proves more and more to myself that I am falling for this girl. Something I never thought I would admit, or at least I thought it would be a long time before I felt this way about someone. But here she is... driving me absolutely crazy. I just really really don't want to fuck it up with her, but that shouldn't really be a problem because she is literally the only person that lives in my mind since I met her.

We finally pull up to the address her friend Julia had sent her. There are already tons of people piling in the house and filling the yard. I pull down the street finding a place to park about 50 feet from the house. I hop out and jog to the other side of the car to open the door for Megan.

"My lady." I grab her hand to help her climb down from the truck. She seems to already be very skilled in getting in and out of a truck in heels and a skirt, but I'm not gonna pass up an opportunity to touch her... especially since I probably won't get to touch her till later. God, this is going to take a lot of self-control.

"Thank you handsome." She smiles and squeezes my hand. "Wow, there are a hell of a lot of people here."

I close her door for her and she starts pulling me towards the house by my hand. As soon as we start to reach the crowds of people heads starts to turn and a few guys start to whistle. Fuck, I knew this was gonna happen. She pulls me closer to her side, wrapping her hand around my right arm. Usually that type of thing wouldn't affect me but damn that sure makes me feel good. I look around to watch more and more guys examine every inch of her from head to toe.

Don't rip their eyes out. Don't rip their eyes out. Don't rip their eyes out. Again, I can't blame them but I can't stand that they get to look at what's mine. I mean I think she's mine... She did agree to be my girl. Either way there is no way I'm letting any other guy lay one finger on her.

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