My secret friend in purple💜

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{Y/N's POV}
Mom and I were walking from grandma's house. I gotta say, I'm going to miss the constant spoiling my grandma does to me. Cookies, money,soda, you name it! While we were walking, (alliteration) mom saw one of her closest friends and decided to talk to them til it was pure pitch black with a star here and there. " Yes, that was a weird experience for the both of us, ha ha!" Mom said. I started to get a little paranoid because, well, most crimes happen at night. And who wants to get caught up in that kind of mess? Anyway, I interrupted mom, saying that "we should get going because my paranoia was making its way to my legs, and that I was going to eventually leave her."She looked at me and nodded with a light chuckle from the sarcasm I put out, and ended the conversation with, "Well Jane, I would love to stay and talk more, but we've gotta go, because you know, (y/a)'s." (your age) as I feel slightly offended, mom carries on with the exchanging numbers and exchanging 'byes! See you laters!' And we make our way home. Mom tried to pry the door open quietly and tip toe into the house so we wouldn't make any noise. We didn't hear any movement, so we started to walk to the kitchen, until mom whispered "Crap! I forgot the cookies and pies! I'll be right back, run up to your room and lock the door, okay?" I nod back. As she leaves, I run up, more like tip toe ran, up the stairs and ran to my room to avoid..him. I open my door and close it quietly, then turn on the light, only to freeze in terror, because he was in my room, on my bed, looking at me, glaring at me, as if I did something wrong to displease him. And apparently, I did. "And where the hell have you been?" He asks in his most calm voice , which was a growl. "........" my breathing started to hitch, trying to make me hyperventilate. "Speak, damnit!" He said a little louder. I hesitated, "W-we went to g-grandmas and stayed there for at least....three hours. If not, four." I said regaining my confidence word by word. "Then?" He asked, taking steps to get in front of me, I take in a deep breath, "Mom saw one of her closest friends, Jane, and talked to her for about 2 hours." "And, and you didn't even bother, to tell her about the curfew I told you and your stupid mother?" In my mind, I wanted to say 'she can do whatever the freak she wants, she doesn't belong to you, and when's the last time you paid the bills? You're not even fit to be talking about a CuRfEw' but in reality, the thing I kinda hate most, I said "....I forgot." That earned me a hard punch to the arm and a push to the other side of the room. I feel like that punch is gonna leave a small bruise..
{Don's POV}
More patrolling of this city, yay. I swear, one day I'm gonna say, 'nah, I'm staying here.' I wonder when that will happen. I have to patrol the eastern side of New York, which doesn't have that much crime as the west.
~Time Skip brought to you by the ayuwoki. If you know who that is, I love you.~
As I walk, I notice some unnecessary movement in one of the houses. Me being curious Donnie and protecc Donnie, I climb up the staircase, looking into the window. My eyes widen as I see some man hitting this girl. I think that guy is her dad, because wouldn't a burglar wear all black and a mask to cover their face? Wait why am I still out here?! I break through the window of the glass, and he freezes. "Oh man, that's not nice at all. Who taught you that hitting kids, more suggestively, girls is ok?!" I say, angry with the man. "What's it to you, freak?!" He goes and grabs a beer bottle. "That you hitting kids who are vulnerable and can't do anything about it isn't ok!" I yell. He tries to come full force at me with a beer bottle. I dodge him just by moving a little to the left. He tries again, I move to the right. This went on continuously until he got tired. This knock out would be the easiest so far. I quickly hit him with my staff on the head, and he landed on the ground with a hard thud. "Wow, what a workout." I say sarcastically. "Please tell me he's lifeless," a voice says sadly. I turn to see the girl there, with tear stained cheeks, red eyes and bruises here and there. Luckily I didn't see any blood, so I calmed down a bit. "Hey, you ok?" I asked.
{Y/N's POV}
"Hey, you ok?" The dude asked. "Uh, by the looks of it, no." I say with a chuckle. "So, is he dead or not?" I ask again, bluntly. He looks a bit surprised. Shook. "Why haven't you, like, you know, scream yet?" "
Why would I scream? Aren't you a civilian like me?" "I guess, yeah." "Then there's no need to scream. Isn't that kind of racist?" He looks a bit surprised. "I don't think mutant turtle is a race.....wait. Now that I think about it..." I laugh and smile. "Hey, Uh Mr., what's your name anyway?" I ask. "Oh uh, my name is Donatello, Donnie or Don for short." "Nice name, first time I actually heard someone with that name who isn't a renaissance artist." I laugh. "My name is Y/N." "Uh,nice name?" He says awkwardly. "I don't think you've interacted with a human before." "Yes I have. Stop underestimating me." I giggle. "What's their name?" "April." "Cool!" "Yeah, I know." "Darn, I would love to stay a little longer,but I have to go, or my brothers will get WoRiEd." He said in a mocking voice. "Ok,but before you go, can you drag him out of my room?" I ask. "Oh! Yeah! Forgot about him." He says dragging him out.
~Time Skip~
It's been three months since Donnie came, and I gotta say, it's the best having him around. I'm sad that he only comes home at night, but I'll take what I can get.
Hello stars! I'm back!
I started doing summer track practice and had my first track meet last Saturday! We got third in the 4x100 relay and I barely got 4th in the 400. Also, someone asked me if I am still taking requests, yes, I am still taking requests. And you can't text me because I forgot my email and I've gotten three and I couldn't reply to a n y of them. So now that that's out of the way, I hope you guys have a good day!
Bye stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Has anyone at school try to spoil Endgame? Because they won't stop at my school.

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