Lily X Mikey🧡

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A/N: this is a request from @sonicheroesrule123

I hope I have satisfied your request! 🙂
It was a late night in New York City, and Lily was walking home from a late night shift. She was having a peaceful walk,until she heard something being shaken from a nearby alley. Lily being curious Lily, she started to walk towards the noise.
*Lily's POV*
I started hear something coming from that alley, I was scared, but for some reason my curious side started to walk towards the noise. I got close enough to see what the.....figure? Was making on the wall. And holy moly was it good!( I'm sorry if this isn't your personality, and also if that was corny..back on to the story!) "Woah,that's really cool!" I said. I must've scared him when I said that, because next thing I saw was a spray can coming to my forehead. "Ow....." "-gasp-! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!" The figure said. "Ah, it's ok,Don't sweat it." "Phew! Good!" "I was saying how good that looks, I wish I could do art like that." "Ha,thanks." The figure said. "Hey,can you come out? So I can give you some props?" "Oh ye- wait nononono!" The figure said. "What? Why not?" I asked the figure. "B-because you'll run away.." the figure said sadly. "Hey, you can come out, and I won't run away,I promise. I've also been taught not to judge a book by its cover." I said confidently. "O-ok. Here goes" said the figure. When he stepped out, he was a dark-green mutant turtle that looked like he was about the same age as me. He had on an orange bandana and the cutest smile I've ever seen. He was also wearing orange knee pads with faces drawn on them, and on his plastron was a blue lightning bolt and a purple triangle on the top left of his plastron. "Awww,you're adorable!" I exclaimed. He blushed and looked away.
*Mikey's POV*
When she told me I was adorable it made me blush. And I could say the same about her! I mean, her E/C eyes and her H/L H/C hair that goes great with her S/C skin. "My name is Lily" Lily said, which snapped me out of my trance. "Michelangelo, but my brothers call me Mikey." "Nice name, and you have brothers?" Lily asked. "Yeah Raph, the oldest, Leo, the second oldest, Donnie, the second youngest, and me, the youngest." "Awesome!" Lily said. "Yeah! I know right?!" I said. "Heheh, yeah. Welp I loved having this chat with you,but I gotta go,my parents are probably worrying their pants off!" Lily said. "Hahaha! Well,bye!" "Bye!" She said running off into the distance. -sigh- she's so pretty, I think I just got a crush.
*Le time skip brought to you by Mikey's cute little face.*
*Lily's POV*
I hope to see Mikey again. I couldn't get his cute little face out of my head! It started when I was in school, I couldn't concentrate because that stupidly cute smile kept popping up in my head. "Hey Lily,you're daydreaming more than usual, and you're blushing. Are you ok? Do you have a fever? Or a crush?" My friend whispered to me. "WHAT?! NO I D-DON'T!!" I whisper yelled back at her. I could she said with a mischievous smile. Ugh, not only is this crush on Mikey getting in the way of my grades going up in school, but now my friend knows?! -sigh- maybe I'll tell him what I think about him when we meet again.
*Time Skip*
*Mikey's POV*
I sat on the rooftops,thinking about Lily. What will she think of me when I tell her that I've had a crush on her? Will she like me back? I don't know.....but I feel like I should test out my chances.
*Time Skip brought to you by lazy Author-Chan*
*Lily's POV*
Mikey had given me his phone number to let him know if there is an emergency or if I just wanted to talk. He called me asking if I could meet up with him in the alley that we had first met in. I felt like that was my chance to tell him how I really feel about him.
When I went into the alley,I saw that familiar shadow. "Hey Mikey! What did you want to talk about?" I asked casually, trying my hardest to not sound nervous. "W-well I wanted to tell you something that might change our friendship." Oh no. my nervous status just went through the roof!
"I-I wanted to say that I like you.....a lot" Mikey said.
"Really? I liked you the same way! When you asked me to come here,I was planning to tell you that I liked you the same way." I said blushing. "I love you Lily." Mikey said. "I love you too,Mikey." And I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
I hope this was a good chapter. It took all day and all night to make this beauty.
Also I got my phone taken up in choir trying to finish the chapter.
Oh and finis means the end in Latin I think. I just learned that today!
Bye stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Author-Chan out

911 words?!?! In a day and a half?!?! Yesssss!

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