Nightmare in Gryffindor

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This chapter is dedicated to LeviCendio because she is a sweetheart

Previously on Prongslet

"I owe you an explanation," Dumbledore said "When Lilly died she sacrificed herself for Harry which created a blood bond. The Dursleys were the only family that Harry had left. When Harry considered Privet Drive his home Voldemort couldn't come and harm him. Little did I know that the Dursleys themselves would hurt Harry"

The 3 adults were trying to take everything in. Once they accepted everything. Augusta said, "Can I meet my godson now?"


Sirius and Remus found themselves walking towards McGonagall's office alongside with Augusta and Dumbledore. The company silently walked towards McGonagall's office. When they arrived Remus knocked and McGonagall called "come in". The company walked in and Sirius soon saw that Harry wasn't with her

"Where is my godson?" Sirius asked panicking a little

"Calm down Mr. Black, He is in the Gryffindor common room where all the older kids are swooning over him"

"and you left him there alone?" Sirius asked trying to be calm

"I left him when he fell asleep, surely you know what the time is," McGonagall said astonished

Sirius and Remus shook their head and McGonagall answered them with "Its half past twelve"

Sirius and Remus looked shocked. They felt upset that they neglected their godson.

McGonagall must have seen the look of despair on their face because she said "He was quite happy with the Gryffindors, The Quidditch captain was already rating him"

Sirius's face lit up at that, "THAT'S JAMES SON FOR YOU" he yelled

McGonagall was a little taken back by Sirius's outburst but she chuckled a little once she recovered

"Can we go see my godson now?" Augusta asked impatiently

If McGonagall looked shocked at that fact she didn't show it. "of course" she said and led them to the Gryffindor common room.(Dumbledore went back to his office)

"Godric" McGonagall said to the Fat Lady and she swung open. Remus, Augusta, and Sirius walked in and McGonagall said that she had work to do so she went back to her office. When the trio walked in they saw Harry fast asleep on the couch and a couple of girls and a few boys with sleeping bags on the ground.

Augusta smiled at the sight and said that she would bring Neville over tomorrow to meet Harry and with that, she walked off to McGonagall's office so that she could use her floo. Remus and Sirius were debating on what to do with Harry when they heard a scream coming from Harry.

Harry's scream woke the people who were sleeping on the floor. They all woke up with a start with some of them expecting to be attacked. They soon realized that Harry was screaming and that there were 2 men trying to wake him up.

When Harry finally woke up his voice was quite hoarse and he had tears flowing down. Remus held Harry tried to calm him down. Sirius was apologizing to the kids and was telling them that he was taking Harry back home. They went into Dumbledores office and used his floo to go him

A/N WAND AWAY, WANDS AWAY, IT IS ILLEGAL TO USE UNFORGIVABLE CURSES!!. Hehe, hey guys so so so sorry for the extra short chapter but I have got a whole lot of problems and I feel like my life is falling apart but yea, just trying to figure it all out, idk if I'm gonna post on Monday, or the week after cuz high school exams YAY!! note the sarcasm, anyways thank u so much for reading this story, really appreciate it. Our next goal is 2k which I never expected would be a goal for me cuz I thought this would be one of the books no one read. We are currently at roughly 1.8K which I really appreciate guys, thank u so much

Anyways as always please


Ps please give me suggestions for the next chapter

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