A New Friend

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A/n hey guys I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be accepting requests so Just Pm me or write it down in the comments

Previously on Prongslet

Then they all had supper and played a game and watched a movie (Harry's perfect day). Then they took Harry to bed and Remus was rocking him (Harry was alternating between them every night). After 10 minutes Harry fell asleep and Remus put a few charms on his room just to make sure he knew if Harry was going to have nightmares but there was no need since Harry for the first time in forever had a peaceful night and Remus DID get a big head for a while over his rocking chair idea at which Sirius grumbled every chance he got.


Harry has been adapting really well to his new life with Remus and Sirius until it was time for Remus to start packing and leave Harry for time being so that he can transform into a werewolf in peace

"MOONY, Your-your going to leave me here?" Harry wailed "Also Padfoot?!?!"

When Sirius slowly nodded Harry started bawling again

"I knew it" he sobbed "You're sending me back   to-to the Dursleys" Harry stuttered

"Heavens no Prongslet," said Sirius seriously (A/N pun not intended... well maybe it was)

"Yes Padfoot for once is quite right," said Remus "You are going to Mrs. Weasley's house. You know she even has a son your age" 

Harry still shook his head "No Why are you even going?"

"Because," said Remus and sighed this is going to be hard and continued with "When I was young Harry, There was a bad man who bit me and when he bit me I was cursed to become a werewolf monster once a month and I don't want to hurt you cub" 

Harry nodded and quickly said "Youarenotamonster"

"What was that pup?" asked Sirius

Harry slowed down and said " You are not a monster"

Remus smiled at this comment and said "Thank you, Harry, Also just so you know we will get you first thing Monday morning (It was Saturday). Harry nodded and Remus finished packing the rest of Harry's stuff and was wondering whether or not to pack Harry's rocking chair since he couldn't go to sleep without it, Remus shrunk it and packed it just in case. After half an hour he finished and went down to get Sirius who was feeding Harry. Remus grabbed Harry's arm and told him about apparating. When he made sure Harry understood he apparated them to Molly's house and when they went in the front door. Harry immediately saw Ron and wanted to go play with him but hid behind Sirius. 

"aww Harry is that you?" asked Mrs. Weasley

Sirius nodded and went with Harry to the Weasley kids after introducing him to Molly. Remus hung back and explained to Molly about Harry's sleeping situation at which Mrs. Weasley immediately agreed. Then Remus went towards Harry and when Harry saw him he excitedly told Remus about all the Weasley kids and introduced them and when they were done he excitedly said "Moony, Bill says he studies in Howgarts, What's that?"

Remus laughed and said "Not Howgarts Harry but Hogwarts, Its a school where you learn magic, Why don't you go and ask Charlie about it. Harry nodded eagerly and took Ron's arm and raced him to Charlie. While Ron was telling Harry about his pet rat


Yeah I am SO SORRY for the short chapter and it lacking detail, I promise I WILL make the next one better I just wanted to upload this today since I will be releasing a new Mech x4 fan fic tomorrow (please read if ur a fan) but yeah probably no update tomorrow sorry but maybe the day after hopefully

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also, don't forget to send me your ideas/requests

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