Chapter 25: Kiss and Make Up

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Lori's POV

I couldn't get the look on Joseph's wife's face out of my head.
How could I have stooped so low?
Why did I think I could run from my past?
I just want it to stop. I can't handle it anymore.

The last thing I remember was hearing Stan yelling my name.

I woke up in a bright white room. My head was pounding. I tried to push myself up to sit up straight, but then a sharp pain went up my arm.

"Be careful on that wrist. It's broken."

I turned to a man in a white coat that walked in.

"Broken?" I asked as I looked down at my left arm and saw it was wrapped up in a cast.

"Yes. And a few fractures in your hand as well, but nothing a month or so in a cast won't heal."

"Oh." Was all I said. I finally remembered what happened and realized I was in a hospital... after making an attempt at my own life. I feel so foolish now. I laid back down and just stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm Dr. Benson by the way. Your all patched up and fine now. You have a minor concussion and that broken wrist, but other than that you're okay."

"Thank you. When can I go home?" I said without even looking at him.

"Anytime. But you are welcome to stay one more night if you'd like. It's important to limit your physical tasks with that concussion. You don't want to make it worse."

"Okay." I started to close my eyes. I felt exhausted.

"Is there an emergency contact you'd like us to contact for you? Family maybe?"

"No." I said quickly. The last thing I need is my parents finding out about this. But who do I call? I thought for a bit and then gave him a number to call. He nodded and headed for the door.

"Alright Miss. Green I'll get right on that. You get some rest and try to be more careful on stairs now."

"Huh?" I turned to face him. "What do you mean?"

"Your fall down the stairs. That's what the gentleman said happened." Dr. Benson looked at me concerned like I had memory loss or something.

"Stairs?" I don't remember any stairs.

"Yes. In fact if it wasn't for your friend your injuries would of been much much worse. Maybe even terminal."

"Stan?" Oh god Stan I almost forgot he was there when I jumped. He must have told the hospital I fell down the stairs.

"Yes exactly Stan, room 1610." He said after checking his clipboard. "He's the one that called 911 after he broke your fall from the stairs. He suffered some injuries catching you, but.... Miss. Green? Where are you going?"

I fought through the pain in my hand as I pushed myself back up. "I have to see Stan."

"Woah woah please Miss. Green I don't recommend you moving-."

"No I have to see him. Is he okay?" I tried to stand but my head felt it was pounding out of my skull and I fell back on the bed.

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