Chapter 3: Overthinking It

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Stan's POV

I can't believe it. It's the girl from the coffee shop. She was so captivating without even trying when I first saw her in that shop. I felt I was staring much longer then I should have. When she started to look around the room I ducked my head behind my newspaper as fast I could. But when I lowered my paper she was gone. I was sure that was the last time I would see her but here she is looking right at me.

"Oh my gosh, sir I am so so sorry." She said but I was still in such shock that I just stood there staring.

"I've never seen you around here before, are you new. You must be the new rep." I finally managed to say. Yes that must be why she's here. At least that's what I was hoping. I finally got my head out of the clouds and offered my hand to help her up. I don't even know what I'm feeling. I haven't felt this nervous feeling in my stomach in years. I don't even know why I am, why would a girl like that would want anything to do with a old guy like me.

"Oh yes that's me. I'm Loretta, sorry again for bumping into you like that."

I noticed we were still holding hands and I didn't want to let go. But she eventually pulled away and looked down. Of course she would why wouldn't she. She's probably thinking why is this dude acting so weird.

"It's no problem. You can call me Stan." I usually never let anyone call me by my first name, especially in the work place but I couldn't help my words. I felt like I was a little kid again, trying to talk to a girl in high school.

"Well I should go, I have my first meeting."

"Well then after you miss, I'm going to the same meeting." She didn't say another word and lead the way to the meeting. What the hell was that stupid gesture I did, she probably thinks I'm some fool. I mentally slapped myself in the head.

I tried my best to get the meeting done and over with in order not to embarrass myself anymore.

After the meeting I spent the rest of the work day in my office. With a new business year just getting started there is so much I want to get done. I spent the day making new signs, drawing new logos, making calls, and closing some important business deals. I decided to work through lunch, but that's no surprise becuase I always do. There is too much to do in the day to take a lunch. After a few more hours of work I look at the clock and it reads 3:00pm. I usually stay long past the work day but I had other things on my mind. I pack up my papers in my case and head out. With a sigh of relief I pull out of my reserved parking space and begin to pull off. Just when I get a inch moving I feel a light bump on the back of my car.

I get out and see a little red car had backed into me. I get my speech ready to fire the poor sucker that hit me. And then she blew out of the car. My heart started to beat faster and faster. She had a horrified look on her face, almost as if she was about to get hit my a train.

"Damnit, I am so so sorry again sir, I don't know why I'm so clumsy today. I promise I'm not always like this. I'm usually I very coordinated person." She went on rambling like this but I couldn't really pay attention. All I could focus on was her curves being hugged perfectly in that pencil skirt. She walked towards my car and knelt down to where my car was hit.

"It looks like just the paint is scratched. My neighbor works at an auto shop, I can pay for this I swear Mr. McCormick. Please don't be mad." I couldn't help but to smile at how cute she was.

"It's not a problem really. And I told you to call me Stan." She looked confused along with relieved.

"Oh right sorry Stan. I can fix this I promise."

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