Chapter 10: Love???

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Stan's POV

The work week dragged. I spent the whole week trying to find the right time to talk to Lori. And Lori spent the whole week avoiding me as much as she could. I tried everything. Approaching her at lunch, trying to get her to stay longer after board meetings, stopping by her office, and even having her come to my office. Every time she would say, "Sorry Mr. McCormick, but I'm extremely busy at the moment."

I hate when she calls me that and that's exactly why she does it.

It's Friday, today was my last chance to explain everything and I had to make things right. Having Lori in my life made me feel important again. Not important to a company or a business or a brand name, but important as a human being. She made me feel like I matter, like my feelings matter more to her than my wallet. I needed that feeling back, I needed her back.

When I reached the parking lot Lori was already in her car and pulling away. "Damnit!"
I sat in my car rubbing my temples. My phone rang and I answered without looking at the screen. "Mr. McCormick here." I mumble lowly. "Dad?" Jamie questioned.

"Oh hey sweetheart,"

"Dad what's wrong you sound weird."

"Just a long week. But who cares about me, wassup honey." I try my best to hide the struggle in my voice.

"Well I told mom about Iowa State and she freaked. She blames you, saying that you are only reconnecting with me to pull me away from her. She says you're an evil guy that's just trying to take me from her." Jamie laughs at her last sentence and I just roll my eyes. I sigh heavily. I don't need this right now.

"Look, honey.." I rub my hand back and forth on my forehead.

"No need dad. I already know she's lying. I love mom but I'm beginning to notice that she can be a bit...what's the word."


"I was gonna say crazy" she laughs and I force a smile. "But it's only when it comes to you dad. She's still hurting...I can tell."

I stay quiet thinking about how Sarah's dad literally forced us to be the new "it" couple. With me launching my company and Sarah (in her prime) becoming the most recognized rising model, he said it'd be "good publicity" for the both of us. With me being young and only having money on my mind I shrugged and agreed. Sarah was beautiful and sweet. I would even say I loved her and she certainly loved me, either me or all the fame I was giving her. It wasn't until the fame started to go to her head that she changed to this controlling witch. And after we had Jamie (unplanned) and her looks started to fade with age, it just got worse from there. Her dad forced us to marry which made me bitter and with her looks faded so did her modeling career which made her bitter as well. We were both bitter and anger, so it was no surprise that after barely 2 years I divorced her. I still wanted to be friends and raise our child together but her and her dad hated me from that day on. Said I couldn't go anywhere near Jamie unless I stayed in the marriage and as much as I loved Jamie I refused to have people control my life.

I come back from my reminiscing. "I'm sorry things turned out the way they did honey. I had different plans for you, better plans, but things just..fell apart I guess."

"I know dad. I got to go but I'll text you later."

"Okay sweetheart. Love you"

"Love you too.... oh and dad?"


"What ever is bothering you fix it." I was confused as to what she meant. "I know somethings wrong Dad I can hear it in your voice, so whatever it is." She paused. "Fix it"

I smiled. There is no doubt she is my daughter. So smart. "Okay honey bye". We hung up and I sat there in my thoughts.

Jamie is right. I looked off into the direction Lori had drove. I need to fix this. And I pulled off.


Lori's POV

I was proud of myself for being able to avoid Stan all week, I think to myself as I drive home. As much as I think I'm falling for him I had to stay strong.

I can't believe he's married, I feel so used and stupid. I should of known a man at his age, good-looking and rich would be married by now. I fought back a tear as I remember looking his wife in the eyes. I will NOT cry today, I told myself.

I pull up to my place and head up the stairs. As I put my key in the door I realize it's already unlocked. That's weird. I think about panicking but brush it off. I guess I just forgot to lock the door this morning. I was running a little late I suppose. I walk in and kick off my heels, my feet were more sore then usual cause every time I saw Stan this week I would try to run in the opposite direction.

My head falls thinking about Stan. "Ugh I have to get him off my mind" I whisper to myself. When walking past my table I notice a picture frame on the ground. I have 3 pictures on my table. One of me and my parents on my graduation, one of me and Nicole, and one of me and Trevor. The one of me and Trevor is the one that's on the ground. I pick it up and the glass is broken.


I know I was in a rush this morning but I know I couldn't have knocked over a picture so hard to break the glass like this.

Okay now I'm panicked.

I quickly rush to the kitchen and grab a butter knife. I don't have anything sharper, I've been procrastinating buying my last minute house tools.

I grip it tight and hold it out. I listen as hard as I can but I don't here anything. I scan the apartment while slowly walking around, with my back against the wall. My eyes move all around, but I don't see anything missing. I mean I don't have much for a burglar to steal but I was still worried about my stuff.

I make my way down the hall and peak my knife in the bathroom and then my head. Nothing.

I reach my bedroom and crack the door open. I peak inside and don't see anything. I open it fully and step inside. I walk to my bed and it feels as if my heart has stopped. The dress that I keep in a box under my bed was laid out across the bed. What?...

"Hey there babygirl"


Let's see who has good memory. Who's in Lori's apartment? This is just a short quick family chapter I wanted to do. Get to know more about Stan's past. Vote and Comment.


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