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Bianca's Pov:


The way he said it terrified me, and I didn't know why.

It shouldn't have terrified me, he shouldn't make me feel this way, so vulnerable and weak.

"I'm not going to sleep with you"

He raises his eyebrows in both surprise and humour.

"That's not what I said, but if you want we could-"

"Go to hell" I grit my teeth

He looks up at me, taking his hands out his pockets.

His eyes, black dangerous swirls dancing between each iris.

He walks towards me, slowly.

"You don't speak to me like that."

My stomach churns at his demeanour, but I do not take any steps backwards. Instead, i stare straight through his eyes, daring him.

We both stood there, not a word being said. I curse my 5"4 height as I stare up at his 6"3 height. I looked small, and I sure as hell felt small too.

He finally clasps my wrist and walked me backwards, until my back hit a wall, using his other hand, he put it next to my head, caging me. I resist the urge to gulp, my heart beating faster by the second.

My eyes lingered on him, while his were on my parted lips that were trying to control my ragged heavy breathing.

Why was I so nervous around him? He brings out something in me, and I am not sure if its fear or something else.

I've never felt like this vulnerable and weak with someone.

So why him?

"You think you're being brave, Bianca? I'm warning you, don't play with fire. Don't forget who's superior here. I am much stronger than you are, I could even take you right here right now, if I wanted to, but I wouldn't because I'm not that kind of man" 

He says as he carefully releases my wrist and walks back, putting his hands back into his pocket.

I'm snapped back into reality as I realised what had just come out of his mouth. I raise my eyebrows, irritation clouding my thoguhts.

He wants to be obedient and grateful to him? He drugged me for godsake!

"Oh thank you so much Mason, for using your brain and not taking advantage of me in these kind of situations. Really. What a kind 2."

I turn my back on him, making my way  to the door and held the knob.

"Oh and Mason? You want someone to obey your every command, someone to sleep on the same bed as you whenever you ask? Get a fucking puppy then." 

I say, without looking at him before I swiftly turn around and twist the door knob. I smile proudly to myself

Bianca:1  Mason:0

I won't let him get to me.

I will annoy him and, either, he will get bored of me and let me go- maybe even beg me to leave if I'm that irritating- or just kill me. Both options are better than staying with him anyway.

Great, now where's the kitchen I'm starving.


Mason's Pov:

Stunned could be an understatement to how I'm feeling right now.

How dare she? I'm the alpha king and she's supposedly a rogue. Our ranks are much different and yet I'm still accepting her as mine. How dare she treat me like dirt on her shoe?

And yet, I could only be angry with her to an extent. She's my mate. A part of me was intrigued, curious. How can she be this brave? To me? No one has ever dared to stand up to me. I'm the alpha king, no one should. I would kill them in an instant.

But her?

I can't harm even a strand of her hair. She already has me wrapped around her little finger.

And that wasn't a good thing.

But the way her eyes widened in fear, her vulnerability and ragged breathing... I saw it. Even though she was desperately trying to hide it.

And her lips. Her plump cherry lips...

I closed my eyes, trying to erase every  image that my wolf was trying to put into my head.

The way she didn't back down today annoyed me. Why isn't she afraid of me? Or in love with me? Every woman is either one or the other. Or both.

But she didn't fit into the categories. She was different, complex. I couldn't figure her out. Every move of hers seemed calculated, precise. I needed to know more about her.

I leave the bedroom, trying to sniff her out in the house until I finally reach the kitchen and turn to the bar.

There she was, eating nutella, without a care in the world. She should be afraid of me and yet when she looked at me, she ignored me and went back to her  sandwich, moaning at the taste. I stride  into the kitchen and stood in front of her. She still ignored me.

"I could have made you food, You know, proper food."

She looked up at me, surprised coating her beautiful features.

"You can cook?"

I nodded my head.

"Pasta, lasagne... You name it"

She furrowed her eyebrows as she thought for a moment.

God, she looks so cute when she's thinking.

"Mac and cheese, please."

I chuckle.

"I didn't say I'd cook you anything"

She glares up at me.

"You just said-"

"I'm not a restaurant, Bianca"

I turn my back to her to leave the kitchen.
That should teach her a lesson not to talk back to me.

Alpha, you have a meeting in about 20 minutes with the Alpha of the Witrow pack.

I'll be outside in 10 minutes, Zander, get the car ready. I reply in the mindlink.

I go up stairs to my bedroom, not before warning Xavier to keep an eye on Bianca. I wouldn't want her using this as an opportunity to escape.

Alpha Caine of the Witrow pack. I sighed. I really wasn't looking forward to this meeting. The last time we had a meeting he wanted my military wolves to aid him during his pack war with his rival pack, the Winter pack. I obviously refused. And ever since he lost the war, he's been holding a grudge against me, keeping it hidden. But I can see straight through his fake facade.

I always knew he was envious of my position, but it was expected, I suppose.

That's one of the downsides of my high position, your once closest comrades will become your mortal enemies, and will try anything to weaken you, even if that means using your own weaknesses against you.

I have learnt to become stronger and not have any weaknesses.

But I don't know how long it will last.

How long before she becomes my only weakness?


Sorry for the late chapter, but guess who has exams and had no Wi-Fi for 2 weeks? :/

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