PROLOGUE (part two)

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As we neared home, I felt a strange sensation in the pit of my stomach, as if something was seriously wrong.
" Are you okay?" Rylan asks
"Of course I am"
I put my hand on the doorknob ready to open our door when I hear a sickening scream
"I asked where they are!"
A voice shouted, stopping me dead in my track, I held my brothers hand tightly, feeling a sense of protectiveness over him.
" Do you think I'm scared of dying?"
Another voice I recognise as my mother's, however at the same time it didn't sound like her.
I wanted to storm right in to save my mother, but what can a 10 year old child do?
So instead I forced my cowardly self to continue listening, my brothers hand still in my grasp.
"I'm scared"
I hear a faint whisper in my ear.
I look back at my brother and silently promise him safety, as I nod my head once, putting my finger on my lips
The unwelcomed  foreign voice chuckled
"Everyone's scared of dying, you aren't any different"
Curiosity grasps my body and despite my fear and worry of what was lying behind our door, I forced myself to peer in through the window.
I wish I hadn't.
The sharp silver knife that promised execution was now drenched in her blood, my mothers blood. My shaking hands covered my shivering lips, this can't be real.
I swallowed hard against all the mourning sadness forcing it down my throat.
Not now, Bianca. Hold it in a little longer.
Not in front of your brother.
This isn't real.
Wake up Bianca! Please wake up!

I don't want to stay in this nightmare.
Please stop.

No matter how much it pained me , I couldn't look away from her corpse.
She wasn't my mother, she couldn't be.
But she looks so much like her. Her hair, her eyes.
Fearful eyes. I've never saw her like that. So afraid.
But she's not her, this is only a nightmare I will wake up from, just hang on a little longer
Bianca. Tears itching to get out of my eyes, but I held them back, I had to for now.
"Put her with the rest of the pathetic humans"
Pathetic. Anger coursed through my veins.
How dare he?
You couldn't even save her, your own mother. The voice in my head mocked and taunted me.
Over and over.
Couldn't save her. Mother.
I'm sorry, please forgive me.
I couldn't save you.
But still, please don't leave me, I promise I won't do it again.
I'll save you countless times if I have to, but just stay, don't leave me. Please.
"What happened? Why are you crying bee?"
I turned to my brother, and forced a plastered smile on my face, my glassy eyes telling another story, one that was not meant to be told .
"We have to go-" I chocked on my sobs before continuing.
" To Fiona"
"Why? Are we meeting our mum and dad there?"
It pained me how much of the excitement was coating his words.
I still smiled, for him.
"Yeah sure, but we have to run."
I was scared of those bad guys catching us, I was terrified of them.
"Why do we have to run?"
" A game, a race, but no shortcuts okay?"
He sighed
" okay fine"
We ran, as fast as our little legs could carry us, same path, different emotions.
And I prayed that they didn't get to her house too.

Her wooden door came into view and i knocked countless times, the image of my mother scolding me for being rude came into my mind and i bit my lip from crying.
The door swung open, revealing a relieved Fiona.
"Come in" she said, although didnt give us the opportunity to as she dragged us inside.
We call her our aunt even thoguh we aren't related,  she is just a family friend. She's a witch.
Her little cottage burried deep inside the forest had endless potions in fancy glass bottles, i stared in awe at her collection. Fiona left me and Rylan to get something i guess.
"Wheres mum and dad?"  Rylan tugs at my sleeve.
I sighed. I had to tell him.
"They're... theyre not here Ry." I chocked on my sobs.
Rylan looks at me with confusion
"What do you mean?"
Then horror.
Are they.... are they dead?"
He didnt need me to answer. My tearful eyes told him everything.
Without warning, Fiona grabbed us into a hug and we cried and cried until our eyes had no more tears to give.

5 years later.

I scowled at the sun as i wake up. Rylan just had to annoy me like every other day and put the blinds up at night, when i clearly tell him not to. I chuck a pillow at his head, both mad at how the sun interrupted my sleep and how he was still peacefully sleeping.
He woke up in alert from his bed that was next to mine.
"What happened?"
I chuckled and got out of bed, ignoring his confusion. I made my way into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. I put my hair into a bun to avoid getting it wet while i took my shower. The werewolves took away everything, even our luxury. All me and my brother could afford was a small bedroom apartment, with the help of Fiona. I am still grateful of course. We could have been killed long ago. And sometimes,  just sometimes i wonder if that wouldve been better for us. Its only a passing thought, one that makes you feel guilty yet desperate at the same time, a thought that should be forgotten but you know it's still there, it lurks in the darkness of your mind, comes out when your most vulnerable. However despite my desires, i need to be there for my brother. To take our revenge. I would never leave his side. My brother is my only family.

I finally get out the cold shower, as we only get to have warm ones on fridays, to avoid the costs, and change into a white tank top and denim jeans. As Rylan goes into the bathroom i drink the potion that Fiona gives us, a potion that masks your human scents when your around werewolves, and makes you smell like the beasts that claimed our land as theirs. Fiona suggested we have another potion, the one that makes you gain werewolf strength and the ability to shift at times, she'd say it would help, strength wise. But i always refused, no matter what, i would never be like them. A monster.

"Should we go now?" Rylan snaps me out of my thoughts. I nod my head and we exit our apartment, not before grabbing my bow and passing his riffle. We always go out in the mornings to hunt for our meat.

"I know a place we could hunt, ill take us there today."
I looked at him in confusion, i would always be the one to pick our destinations, in fact, hes never shown any interest in hunting, he hates the way were living, the way were hiding, so for him to say something like this... something wasn't right.
"You do? Where?"
I asked suspiciously.
"Follow me."

After walking for about half an hour, we reach a field with a cliff. I curiously walk up to the cliff and see the angry blue tides dangerously below me, daring anyone to go near them. It was beautiful, to say the least. But still, something felt off. I go to where Rylan was standing, his face difficult to read.
"Its a nice place Ry, but i doubt any animals are here, but im pretty sure there are forests nearby, so lets go-"
"I didnt come here to hunt Bee."
I looked at his guilt filled eyes in confusion, he hasn't called me that in a long time.
"What are you-"
"This life... it might suit you, but i cant keep living like this, we always stay hidden in our little apartment, we dont come out unless its for hunting or to go to Fiona"
As he speaks each word, he takes one step backwards. To the cliff.
"Its for our own protection, you dont understand"
"I do understand! We do this so we can eat and stay protected to live but tell me one thing Bianca, why do i feel like im not living? Why do i feel numb? I am there but I'm not at the same time. My heart feels... it feels numb. Everything feels numb. Since that day, everything felt numb"
"Then why didn't you say anything, Ry-" i demand " We're twins but we're not telepathic! Why not tell me when i was always there?"
"I felt too guilty" just as he was a few feet away i burst
"Do you think i wasn't suffering too? You think i dont care anymore? I do Rylan. I do. Thats why im living like this,  thats why im training to be the best fighter there is, to take my revenge. Our revenge. I never showed you i was hurting because i didnt want you to be upset, to think like me. And now your telling me al that was for nothing?"
He gave me a shaky smile, his trembling lips threatening to cry.
"Im sorry Bee"
"No! Please don't leave me Ry. Your part of the reason i live. Please, your all i have left."
But i was too late. My words werent enough. I wasn't enough.


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